#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
#pragma GCC target("avx,avx2,sse,sse2,sse3,sse4,popcnt")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
namespace fft {
class cmplx {
double a, b;
cmplx() { a = 0.0, b = 0.0; }
cmplx(double na, double nb = 0.0) { a = na, b = nb; }
const cmplx operator+(const cmplx& c) {
return cmplx(a + c.a, b + c.b);
const cmplx operator-(const cmplx& c) {
return cmplx(a - c.a, b - c.b);
const cmplx operator*(const cmplx& c) {
return cmplx(a * c.a - b * c.b, a * c.b + b * c.a);
double magnitude() { return sqrt(a * a + b * b); }
void print() { cout << "(" << a << ", " << b << ")\n"; }
const double PI = acos(-1);
class fft {
vector<cmplx> data, roots;
vector<int32_t> rev;
int32_t n, s;
void setSize(int32_t ns) {
s = ns;
n = (1 << s);
int32_t i, j;
rev = vector<int32_t>(n);
data = vector<cmplx>(n);
roots = vector<cmplx>(n + 1);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < s; ++j) {
if (i & (1 << j)) {
rev[i] += (1 << (s - j - 1));
roots[0] = cmplx(1);
cmplx mult = cmplx(cos(2 * PI / n), sin(2 * PI / n));
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
roots[i] = roots[i - 1] * mult;
void bitReverse(vector<cmplx>& arr) {
vector<cmplx> temp(n);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) temp[i] = arr[rev[i]];
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) arr[i] = temp[i];
void transform(bool inverse = false) {
int32_t i, j, k;
for (i = 1; i <= s; ++i) {
int32_t m = (1 << i), md2 = m >> 1;
int32_t start = 0, increment = (1 << (s - i));
if (inverse) {
start = n;
increment *= -1;
cmplx t, u;
for (k = 0; k < n; k += m) {
int32_t index = start;
for (j = k; j < md2 + k; ++j) {
t = roots[index] * data[j + md2];
index += increment;
data[j + md2] = data[j] - t;
data[j] = data[j] + t;
if (inverse) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
data[i].a /= n;
data[i].b /= n;
static vector<int32_t> convolution(vector<int32_t>& a,
vector<int32_t>& b) {
int32_t alen = a.size();
int32_t blen = b.size();
int32_t resn = alen + blen - 1;
int32_t s = 0, i;
while ((1 << s) < resn) ++s;
int32_t n = 1 << s;
fft pga, pgb;
for (i = 0; i < alen; ++i) pga.data[i] = cmplx(a[i]);
for (i = alen; i < n; ++i) pga.data[i] = cmplx(0);
for (i = 0; i < blen; ++i) pgb.data[i] = cmplx(b[i]);
for (i = blen; i < n; ++i) pgb.data[i] = cmplx(0);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) pga.data[i] = pga.data[i] * pgb.data[i];
vector<int32_t> result(resn);
for (i = 0; i < resn; ++i)
result[i] = (int32_t)(pga.data[i].a + 0.5);
int32_t actualSize = resn - 1;
while (~actualSize && result[actualSize] == 0) --actualSize;
if (actualSize < 0) actualSize = 0;
result.resize(actualSize + 1);
return result;
} // namespace fft
namespace IO {
constexpr bool UNSAFE = false;
constexpr int GLOB_BUF_SIZE = 1 << 15;
#ifndef DEBUG
static struct FastInput {
FastInput() {
if constexpr (UNSAFE) {
chars_read = fread(buf, 1, BUF_SIZE, in);
buf_pos = 0;
buf[0] = (chars_read == 0 ? -1 : buf[0]);
static constexpr int BUF_SIZE = GLOB_BUF_SIZE;
char buf[BUF_SIZE];
size_t chars_read = 0;
size_t buf_pos = 0;
FILE* in = stdin;
char cur = 0;
inline char get_char() {
if constexpr (!UNSAFE) {
if (buf_pos >= chars_read) {
chars_read = fread(buf, 1, BUF_SIZE, in);
buf_pos = 0;
buf[0] = (chars_read == 0 ? -1 : buf[0]);
return cur = buf[buf_pos++];
template <typename T>
inline FastInput* tie(T) {
return this;
inline void sync_with_stdio(bool) {}
inline explicit operator bool() { return cur != -1; }
inline static bool is_blank(char c) { return c <= ' '; }
inline bool skip_blanks() {
while (is_blank(cur) && cur != -1) get_char();
return cur != -1;
inline FastInput& operator>>(char& c) {
c = cur;
return *this;
inline FastInput& operator>>(std::string& s) {
if (skip_blanks()) {
do {
s += cur;
} while (!is_blank(get_char()));
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline FastInput& read_integer(T& n) {
// unsafe, doesn't check that characters are actually digits
n = 0;
if (skip_blanks()) {
int sign = +1;
if (cur == '-') {
sign = -1;
do {
n += n + (n << 3) + cur - '0';
} while (!is_blank(get_char()));
n *= sign;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value,
operator>>(T& n) {
return read_integer(n);
#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
inline FastInput& operator>>(__int128& n) { return read_integer(n); }
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value,
operator>>(T& n) {
// not sure if really fast, for compatibility only
n = 0;
if (skip_blanks()) {
std::string s;
(*this) >> s;
sscanf(s.c_str(), "%lf", &n);
return *this;
} fast_input;
#define cin IO::fast_input
static struct FastOutput {
static constexpr int BUF_SIZE = GLOB_BUF_SIZE;
char buf[BUF_SIZE];
size_t buf_pos = 0;
static constexpr int TMP_SIZE = GLOB_BUF_SIZE;
char tmp[TMP_SIZE];
FILE* out = stdout;
inline void put_char(char c) {
buf[buf_pos++] = c;
if (buf_pos == BUF_SIZE) {
fwrite(buf, 1, buf_pos, out);
buf_pos = 0;
~FastOutput() { fwrite(buf, 1, buf_pos, out); }
inline FastOutput& operator<<(char c) {
return *this;
inline FastOutput& operator<<(const char* s) {
while (*s) put_char(*s++);
return *this;
inline FastOutput& operator<<(const std::string& s) {
for (auto x : s) put_char(x);
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline char* integer_to_string(T n) {
// beware of TMP_SIZE
char* p = tmp + TMP_SIZE - 1;
if (n == 0)
*--p = '0';
else {
bool is_negative = false;
if (n < 0) {
is_negative = true;
n = -n;
while (n > 0) {
*--p = (char)('0' + n % 10);
n /= 10;
if (is_negative) *--p = '-';
return p;
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value, char*>::type
stringify(T n) {
return integer_to_string(n);
#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
inline char* stringify(__int128 n) { return integer_to_string(n); }
template <typename T>
inline typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value,
stringify(T n) {
sprintf(tmp, "%.17f", n);
return tmp;
template <typename T>
inline FastOutput& operator<<(const T& n) {
auto p = stringify(n);
for (; *p != 0; p++) put_char(*p);
return *this;
} fast_output;
#define cout IO::fast_output
} // namespace IO
int main() {
int n, m;
cin >> n >> m;
vector<int32_t> a(n + 1), b(m + 1);
for (auto& x : a) cin >> x;
for (auto& x : b) cin >> x;
int cnt = 0;
for (auto x : fft::fft::convolution(a, b)) cout << x << ' ', cnt++;
while (cnt <= n + m) cout << 0 << ' ', cnt++;
cout << '\n';
return 0;
Compilation | N/A | N/A | Compile OK | Score: N/A | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #1 | 41.45 us | 48 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #2 | 63.043 ms | 24 MB + 292 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #3 | 27.726 ms | 11 MB + 776 KB | Accepted | Score: 100 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #4 | 27.71 ms | 11 MB + 764 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #5 | 46.25 us | 48 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #6 | 42.44 us | 48 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #7 | 44.17 us | 48 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #8 | 61.706 ms | 23 MB + 912 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #9 | 61.794 ms | 23 MB + 912 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #10 | 61.349 ms | 23 MB + 508 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #11 | 63.262 ms | 24 MB + 372 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #12 | 59.88 ms | 23 MB + 252 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |
Subtask #1 Testcase #13 | 40.94 us | 48 KB | Accepted | Score: 0 | 显示更多 |