提交记录 19388

用户 题目 状态 得分 用时 内存 语言 代码长度
TSKY 1005a. 【模板题】高精度除法 Accepted 100 709.31 us 132 KB C++14 52.27 KB
提交时间 评测时间
2023-05-02 16:09:27 2023-05-02 16:09:31
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <complex>
#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <immintrin.h>

#pragma GCC target("fma")

using Complex = std::complex<double>;
// 2个复数并行
struct Complex2
    __m256d data;
        data = _mm256_setzero_pd();
    Complex2(double input)
        data = _mm256_set1_pd(input);
    Complex2(__m256d input)
        data = input;
    Complex2(const Complex2 &input)
        data = input.data;
    // 从连续的数组构造
    Complex2(double const *ptr)
        data = _mm256_loadu_pd(ptr);
    Complex2(Complex a)
        data = _mm256_broadcast_pd((__m128d *)&a);
    // Complex2(Complex a, Complex b)
    // {
    //     data = _mm256_set_m128d(*(__m128d *)&b, *(__m128d *)&a);
    // }
    Complex2(const Complex *ptr)
        data = _mm256_loadu_pd((const double *)ptr);
    void clr()
        data = _mm256_setzero_pd();
    // void store(Complex *a, Complex *b) const
    // {
    //     _mm256_storeu2_m128d((double *)b, (double *)a, data);
    // }
    void store(Complex *a) const
        _mm256_storeu_pd((double *)a, data);
    // void print() const
    // {
    //     Complex a, b;
    //     store(&a, &b);
    //     std::cout << a << "\t" << b << "\n";
    // }
    template <int M>
    Complex2 element_permute() const
        return _mm256_permute_pd(data, M);
    Complex2 all_real() const
        return _mm256_movedup_pd(data);
    Complex2 all_imag() const
        return element_permute<0XF>();
    Complex2 swap() const
        return element_permute<0X5>();
    Complex2 mul_neg_i() const
        static const __m256d subber{};
        return Complex2(_mm256_addsub_pd(subber, data)).swap();
    Complex2 operator+(Complex2 input) const
        return _mm256_add_pd(data, input.data);
    Complex2 operator-(Complex2 input) const
        return _mm256_sub_pd(data, input.data);
    Complex2 operator*(Complex2 input) const
        auto imag = _mm256_mul_pd(all_imag().data, input.swap().data);
        return _mm256_fmaddsub_pd(all_real().data, input.data, imag);
    Complex2 operator/(Complex2 input) const
        return _mm256_div_pd(data, input.data);
namespace hint
    using UINT_8 = uint8_t;
    using UINT_16 = uint16_t;
    using UINT_32 = uint32_t;
    using UINT_64 = uint64_t;
    using INT_32 = int32_t;
    using INT_64 = int64_t;
    using LONG = long;
    using Complex = std::complex<double>;
    constexpr double HINT_PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
    constexpr double HINT_2PI = HINT_PI * 2;
    template <typename T>
    constexpr T min_2pow(T n)
        T res = 1;
        while (res < n)
            res *= 2;
        return res;
    template <typename T>
    inline void ary_clr(T *ptr, size_t len)
        memset(ptr, 0, len * sizeof(T));
    template <typename T>
    constexpr bool is_neg(T x)
        return x < 0;
    template <typename T>
    constexpr size_t hint_log2(T n)
        T res = 0;
        while (n > 1)
            n /= 2;
        return res;
    template <typename T>
    constexpr bool is_odd(T x)
        return static_cast<bool>(x & 1);

    template <typename T>
    constexpr std::pair<T, T> div_mod(T a, T b)
        return std::make_pair(a / b, a % b);
    template <typename T>
    void ary_copy(T *target, const T *source, size_t len)
        if (len == 0 || target == source)
        if (len >= INT64_MAX)
            throw("Ary too long\n");
        std::memcpy(target, source, len * sizeof(T));
    template <typename T>
    inline T *ary_realloc(T *ptr, size_t len)
        if (len * sizeof(T) < INT64_MAX)
            ptr = static_cast<T *>(realloc(ptr, len * sizeof(T)));
        if (ptr == nullptr)
            throw("realloc error");
        return ptr;
    template <typename T>
    constexpr T max_2pow(T n)
        T res = 1;
        res <<= (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
        while (res > n)
            res /= 2;
        return res;
    constexpr UINT_64 qpow(UINT_64 m, UINT_64 n, UINT_64 mod)
        if (m <= 1)
            return m;
        UINT_64 result = 1;
        while (n > 0)
            if ((n & 1) != 0)
                result = result * m % mod;
            m = m * m % mod;
            n >>= 1;
        return result;
    constexpr UINT_64 mod_inv(UINT_64 n, UINT_64 mod)
        return qpow(n, mod - 2, mod);
    template <typename T>
    inline void com_ary_combine_copy(Complex *target, const T &source1, size_t len1, const T &source2, size_t len2)
        size_t min_len = std::min(len1, len2);
        size_t i = 0;
        while (i < min_len)
            target[i] = Complex(source1[i], source2[i]);
        while (i < len1)
        while (i < len2)
    namespace hint_transform
        class ComplexTableY
            std::vector<std::vector<Complex>> table1;
            std::vector<std::vector<Complex>> table3;
            INT_32 max_log_size = 2;
            INT_32 cur_log_size = 2;

            static constexpr size_t FAC = 1;

            ComplexTableY(const ComplexTableY &) = delete;
            ComplexTableY &operator=(const ComplexTableY &) = delete;

            ~ComplexTableY() {}
            // 初始化可以生成平分圆1<<shift份产生的单位根的表
            ComplexTableY(UINT_32 max_shift)
                max_shift = std::max<size_t>(max_shift, 1);
                max_log_size = max_shift;
                table1.resize(max_shift + 1);
                table3.resize(max_shift + 1);
                table1[0] = table1[1] = table3[0] = table3[1] = std::vector<Complex>{1};
                table1[2] = table3[2] = std::vector<Complex>{1};
            void expand(INT_32 shift)
                shift = std::max<INT_32>(shift, 2);
                if (shift > max_log_size)
                    throw("FFT length too long for lut\n");
                for (INT_32 i = cur_log_size + 1; i <= shift; i++)
                    size_t len = 1ull << i, vec_size = len * FAC / 4;
                    table1[i][0] = table3[i][0] = Complex(1, 0);
                    for (size_t pos = 0; pos < vec_size / 2; pos++)
                        table1[i][pos * 2] = table1[i - 1][pos];
                        table3[i][pos * 2] = table3[i - 1][pos];
                    for (size_t pos = 1; pos < vec_size / 2; pos += 2)
                        double cos_theta = std::cos(HINT_2PI * pos / len);
                        double sin_theta = std::sin(HINT_2PI * pos / len);
                        table1[i][pos] = Complex(cos_theta, -sin_theta);
                        table1[i][vec_size - pos] = Complex(sin_theta, -cos_theta);
                    table1[i][vec_size / 2] = std::conj(unit_root(8, 1));
                    for (size_t pos = 1; pos < vec_size / 2; pos += 2)
                        Complex tmp = get_omega(i, pos * 3);
                        table3[i][pos] = tmp;
                        table3[i][vec_size - pos] = Complex(tmp.imag(), tmp.real());
                    table3[i][vec_size / 2] = std::conj(unit_root(8, 3));
                cur_log_size = std::max(cur_log_size, shift);
            // 返回单位圆上辐角为theta的点
            static Complex unit_root(double theta)
                return std::polar<double>(1.0, theta);
            // 返回单位圆上平分m份的第n个
            static Complex unit_root(size_t m, size_t n)
                return unit_root((HINT_2PI * n) / m);
            // shift表示圆平分为1<<shift份,n表示第几个单位根
            Complex get_omega(UINT_32 shift, size_t n) const
                size_t rank = 1ull << shift;
                const size_t rank_ff = rank - 1, quad_n = n << 2;
                // n &= rank_ff;
                size_t zone = quad_n >> shift; // 第几象限
                if ((quad_n & rank_ff) == 0)
                    static constexpr Complex ONES[4] = {Complex(1, 0), Complex(0, -1), Complex(-1, 0), Complex(0, 1)};
                    return ONES[zone];
                Complex tmp;
                if ((zone & 2) == 0)
                    if ((zone & 1) == 0)
                        tmp = table1[shift][n];
                        tmp = table1[shift][rank / 2 - n];
                    if ((zone & 1) == 0)
                        tmp = -table1[shift][n - rank / 2];
                        tmp = table1[shift][rank - n];
                return tmp;
            // shift表示圆平分为1<<shift份,3n表示第几个单位根
            Complex get_omega3(UINT_32 shift, size_t n) const
                return table3[shift][n];
            // shift表示圆平分为1<<shift份,n表示第几个单位根
            Complex2 get_omegaX2(UINT_32 shift, size_t n) const
                return Complex2(table1[shift].data() + n);
            // shift表示圆平分为1<<shift份,3n表示第几个单位根
            Complex2 get_omega3X2(UINT_32 shift, size_t n) const
                return Complex2(table3[shift].data() + n);

        constexpr size_t lut_max_rank = 23;
        static ComplexTableY TABLE(lut_max_rank);

        // 二进制逆序
        template <typename T>
        void binary_reverse_swap(T &ary, size_t len)
            size_t i = 0;
            for (size_t j = 1; j < len - 1; j++)
                size_t k = len >> 1;
                i ^= k;
                while (k > i)
                    k >>= 1;
                    i ^= k;
                if (j < i)
                    std::swap(ary[i], ary[j]);
        // 四进制逆序
        template <typename SizeType = UINT_32, typename T>
        void quaternary_reverse_swap(T &ary, size_t len)
            SizeType log_n = hint_log2(len);
            SizeType *rev = new SizeType[len / 4];
            rev[0] = 0;
            for (SizeType i = 1; i < len; i++)
                SizeType index = (rev[i >> 2] >> 2) | ((i & 3) << (log_n - 2)); // 求rev交换数组
                if (i < len / 4)
                    rev[i] = index;
                if (i < index)
                    std::swap(ary[i], ary[index]);
            delete[] rev;
        // 2点fft
        template <typename T>
        inline void fft_2point(T &sum, T &diff)
            T tmp0 = sum;
            T tmp1 = diff;
            sum = tmp0 + tmp1;
            diff = tmp0 - tmp1;
        // 4点fft
        inline void fft_4point(Complex *input, size_t rank = 1)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = tmp2 + tmp3;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp0 - tmp1;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp2 - tmp3;
        inline void fft_dit_4point(Complex *input, size_t rank = 1)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp1);
            fft_2point(tmp2, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp2;
            input[rank] = tmp1 + tmp3;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp0 - tmp2;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp1 - tmp3;
        inline void fft_dit_8point(Complex *input, size_t rank = 1)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];
            Complex tmp4 = input[rank * 4];
            Complex tmp5 = input[rank * 5];
            Complex tmp6 = input[rank * 6];
            Complex tmp7 = input[rank * 7];
            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp1);
            fft_2point(tmp2, tmp3);
            fft_2point(tmp4, tmp5);
            fft_2point(tmp6, tmp7);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());
            tmp7 = Complex(tmp7.imag(), -tmp7.real());

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            fft_2point(tmp4, tmp6);
            fft_2point(tmp5, tmp7);
            static constexpr double cos_1_8 = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;
            tmp5 = cos_1_8 * Complex(tmp5.imag() + tmp5.real(), tmp5.imag() - tmp5.real());
            tmp6 = Complex(tmp6.imag(), -tmp6.real());
            tmp7 = -cos_1_8 * Complex(tmp7.real() - tmp7.imag(), tmp7.real() + tmp7.imag());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp4;
            input[rank] = tmp1 + tmp5;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp2 + tmp6;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp3 + tmp7;
            input[rank * 4] = tmp0 - tmp4;
            input[rank * 5] = tmp1 - tmp5;
            input[rank * 6] = tmp2 - tmp6;
            input[rank * 7] = tmp3 - tmp7;

        inline void fft_dif_4point(Complex *input, size_t rank = 1)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = tmp0 - tmp1;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp2 + tmp3;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp2 - tmp3;
        inline void fft_dif_8point(Complex *input, size_t rank = 1)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];
            Complex tmp4 = input[rank * 4];
            Complex tmp5 = input[rank * 5];
            Complex tmp6 = input[rank * 6];
            Complex tmp7 = input[rank * 7];

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp4);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp5);
            fft_2point(tmp2, tmp6);
            fft_2point(tmp3, tmp7);
            static constexpr double cos_1_8 = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;
            tmp5 = cos_1_8 * Complex(tmp5.imag() + tmp5.real(), tmp5.imag() - tmp5.real());
            tmp6 = Complex(tmp6.imag(), -tmp6.real());
            tmp7 = -cos_1_8 * Complex(tmp7.real() - tmp7.imag(), tmp7.real() + tmp7.imag());

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            fft_2point(tmp4, tmp6);
            fft_2point(tmp5, tmp7);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());
            tmp7 = Complex(tmp7.imag(), -tmp7.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = tmp0 - tmp1;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp2 + tmp3;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp2 - tmp3;
            input[rank * 4] = tmp4 + tmp5;
            input[rank * 5] = tmp4 - tmp5;
            input[rank * 6] = tmp6 + tmp7;
            input[rank * 7] = tmp6 - tmp7;

        // fft基2时间抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_radix2_dit_butterfly(Complex omega, Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank] * omega;
            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = tmp0 - tmp1;
        // fft基2频率抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_radix2_dif_butterfly(Complex omega, Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = (tmp0 - tmp1) * omega;
        // // fft基2频率抽取蝶形变换
        // inline void fft_radix2_dif_butterfly(Complex2 omega, Complex *input, size_t rank)
        // {
        //     Complex2 tmp0(input);
        //     Complex2 tmp1(input + rank);
        //     (tmp0 + tmp1).store(input);
        //     ((tmp0 - tmp1) * omega).store(input + rank);
        // }

        // fft分裂基时间抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_split_radix_dit_butterfly(Complex omega, Complex omega_cube,
                                                  Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2] * omega;
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3] * omega_cube;

            fft_2point(tmp2, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp2;
            input[rank] = tmp1 + tmp3;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp0 - tmp2;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp1 - tmp3;
        // fft分裂基频率抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_split_radix_dif_butterfly(Complex omega, Complex omega_cube,
                                                  Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0;
            input[rank] = tmp1;
            input[rank * 2] = (tmp2 + tmp3) * omega;
            input[rank * 3] = (tmp2 - tmp3) * omega_cube;
        // // fft分裂基时间抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_split_radix_dit_butterfly(Complex2 omega, Complex2 omega_cube,
                                                  Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex2 tmp0 = input;
            Complex2 tmp1 = input + rank;
            Complex2 tmp2 = Complex2(input + rank * 2) * omega;
            Complex2 tmp3 = Complex2(input + rank * 3) * omega_cube;

            fft_2point(tmp2, tmp3);
            tmp3 = tmp3.mul_neg_i();

            (tmp0 + tmp2).store(input);
            (tmp1 + tmp3).store(input + rank);
            (tmp0 - tmp2).store(input + rank * 2);
            (tmp1 - tmp3).store(input + rank * 3);
        // fft分裂基频率抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_split_radix_dif_butterfly(Complex2 omega, Complex2 omega_cube,
                                                  Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex2 tmp0 = (input);
            Complex2 tmp1 = (input + rank);
            Complex2 tmp2 = (input + rank * 2);
            Complex2 tmp3 = (input + rank * 3);

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            tmp3 = tmp3.mul_neg_i();

            tmp1.store(input + rank);
            ((tmp2 + tmp3) * omega).store(input + rank * 2);
            ((tmp2 - tmp3) * omega_cube).store(input + rank * 3);
        // fft基4时间抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_radix4_dit_butterfly(Complex omega, Complex omega_sqr, Complex omega_cube,
                                             Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank] * omega;
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2] * omega_sqr;
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3] * omega_cube;

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = tmp2 + tmp3;
            input[rank * 2] = tmp0 - tmp1;
            input[rank * 3] = tmp2 - tmp3;
        // fft基4频率抽取蝶形变换
        inline void fft_radix4_dif_butterfly(Complex omega, Complex omega_sqr, Complex omega_cube,
                                             Complex *input, size_t rank)
            Complex tmp0 = input[0];
            Complex tmp1 = input[rank];
            Complex tmp2 = input[rank * 2];
            Complex tmp3 = input[rank * 3];

            fft_2point(tmp0, tmp2);
            fft_2point(tmp1, tmp3);
            tmp3 = Complex(tmp3.imag(), -tmp3.real());

            input[0] = tmp0 + tmp1;
            input[rank] = (tmp2 + tmp3) * omega;
            input[rank * 2] = (tmp0 - tmp1) * omega_sqr;
            input[rank * 3] = (tmp2 - tmp3) * omega_cube;
        // 求共轭复数及归一化,逆变换用
        inline void fft_conj(Complex *input, size_t fft_len, double div = 1)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < fft_len; i++)
                input[i] = std::conj(input[i]) / div;
        // 归一化,逆变换用
        inline void fft_normalize(Complex *input, size_t fft_len)
            double len = static_cast<double>(fft_len);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < fft_len; i++)
                input[i] /= len;
        // 模板化时间抽取分裂基fft
        template <size_t LEN>
        void fft_split_radix_dit_template(Complex *input)
            constexpr size_t log_len = hint_log2(LEN);
            constexpr size_t half_len = LEN / 2, quarter_len = LEN / 4;
            fft_split_radix_dit_template<quarter_len>(input + half_len);
            fft_split_radix_dit_template<quarter_len>(input + half_len + quarter_len);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < quarter_len; i += 2)
                auto omega = TABLE.get_omegaX2(log_len, i);
                auto omega_cube = TABLE.get_omega3X2(log_len, i);
                fft_split_radix_dit_butterfly(omega, omega_cube, input + i, quarter_len);
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dit_template<0>(Complex *input) {}
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dit_template<1>(Complex *input) {}
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dit_template<2>(Complex *input)
            fft_2point(input[0], input[1]);
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dit_template<4>(Complex *input)
            fft_dit_4point(input, 1);
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dit_template<8>(Complex *input)
            fft_dit_8point(input, 1);

        // 模板化频率抽取分裂基fft
        template <size_t LEN>
        void fft_split_radix_dif_template(Complex *input)
            constexpr size_t log_len = hint_log2(LEN);
            constexpr size_t half_len = LEN / 2, quarter_len = LEN / 4;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < quarter_len; i += 2)
                auto omega = TABLE.get_omegaX2(log_len, i);
                auto omega_cube = TABLE.get_omega3X2(log_len, i);
                fft_split_radix_dif_butterfly(omega, omega_cube, input + i, quarter_len);
            fft_split_radix_dif_template<quarter_len>(input + half_len);
            fft_split_radix_dif_template<quarter_len>(input + half_len + quarter_len);
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dif_template<0>(Complex *input) {}
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dif_template<1>(Complex *input) {}
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dif_template<2>(Complex *input)
            fft_2point(input[0], input[1]);
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dif_template<4>(Complex *input)
            fft_dif_4point(input, 1);
        template <>
        void fft_split_radix_dif_template<8>(Complex *input)
            fft_dif_8point(input, 1);

        template <size_t LEN = 1>
        void fft_dit_template(Complex *input, size_t fft_len)
            if (fft_len > LEN)
                fft_dit_template<LEN * 2>(input, fft_len);
        template <>
        void fft_dit_template<1 << 24>(Complex *input, size_t fft_len) {}

        template <size_t LEN = 1>
        void fft_dif_template(Complex *input, size_t fft_len)
            if (fft_len > LEN)
                fft_dif_template<LEN * 2>(input, fft_len);
        template <>
        void fft_dif_template<1 << 24>(Complex *input, size_t fft_len) {}

        /// @brief 时间抽取基2fft
        /// @param input 复数组
        /// @param fft_len 数组长度
        /// @param bit_rev 是否逆序
        inline void fft_dit(Complex *input, size_t fft_len, bool bit_rev = true)
            fft_len = max_2pow(fft_len);
            if (bit_rev)
                binary_reverse_swap(input, fft_len);
            fft_dit_template<1>(input, fft_len);

        /// @brief 频率抽取基2fft
        /// @param input 复数组
        /// @param fft_len 数组长度
        /// @param bit_rev 是否逆序
        inline void fft_dif(Complex *input, size_t fft_len, bool bit_rev = true)
            fft_len = max_2pow(fft_len);
            fft_dif_template<1>(input, fft_len);
            if (bit_rev)
                binary_reverse_swap(input, fft_len);
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    constexpr void save_num_to_ary(T ary[], UINT_64 num, size_t digit)
        size_t i = digit;
        while (i > 0)
            ary[i] = num % BASE;
            num /= BASE;
    UINT_64 stoui64(const std::string::const_iterator &begin,
                    const std::string::const_iterator &end, const UINT_32 base = 10)
        UINT_64 result = 0;
        for (auto it = begin; it < end && it - begin < 19; ++it)
            result *= base;
            char c = tolower(*it);
            UINT_64 n = 0;
            if (isalnum(c))
                if (isalpha(c))
                    n = c - 'a' + 10;
                    n = c - '0';
            if (n < base)
                result += n;
        return result;
    UINT_64 stoui64(const std::string &str, const UINT_32 base = 10)
        return stoui64(str.begin(), str.end(), base);
    std::string ui64to_string(UINT_64 input, UINT_8 digits)
        std::string result(digits, '0');
        for (UINT_8 i = 0; i < digits; i++)
            result[digits - i - 1] = static_cast<char>(input % 10 + '0');
            input /= 10;
        return result;
    template <typename T = UINT_32, typename SIZE_TYPE = UINT_32>
    class HintVector
        T *ary_ptr = nullptr;
        SIZE_TYPE sign_n_len = 0;
        SIZE_TYPE size = 0;

            if (ary_ptr != nullptr)
                delete[] ary_ptr;
                ary_ptr = nullptr;
            ary_ptr = nullptr;
        HintVector(SIZE_TYPE ele_size)
            if (ele_size > 0)
        HintVector(SIZE_TYPE ele_size, T ele)
            if (ele_size > 0)
                fill_element(ele, ele_size);
        HintVector(const T *ary, SIZE_TYPE len)
            if (ary == nullptr)
                throw("Can't copy from nullptr\n");
            if (len > 0)
                ary_copy(ary_ptr, ary, len);
        HintVector(const HintVector &input)
            if (input.ary_ptr != nullptr)
                if (ary_ptr != nullptr)
                    delete[] ary_ptr;
                ary_ptr = nullptr;
                size_t len = input.length();
                ary_copy(ary_ptr, input.ary_ptr, len);
        HintVector(HintVector &&input)
            if (input.ary_ptr != nullptr)
                size = input.size;
                if (ary_ptr != nullptr)
                    delete[] ary_ptr;
                ary_ptr = input.ary_ptr;
                input.ary_ptr = nullptr;
        HintVector &operator=(const HintVector &input)
            if (this != &input)
                if (ary_ptr != nullptr)
                    delete[] ary_ptr;
                ary_ptr = nullptr;
                size_t len = input.length();
                ary_copy(ary_ptr, input.ary_ptr, len);
            return *this;
        HintVector &operator=(HintVector &&input)
            if (this != &input)
                size = input.size;
                if (ary_ptr != nullptr)
                    delete[] ary_ptr;
                ary_ptr = input.ary_ptr;
                input.ary_ptr = nullptr;
            return *this;
        T &operator[](SIZE_TYPE index) const
            return ary_ptr[index];
        T *data() const
            return ary_ptr;
        static SIZE_TYPE size_generator(SIZE_TYPE new_size)
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_TYPE_BITS = sizeof(SIZE_TYPE) * 8;
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_80 = (1ull << (SIZE_TYPE_BITS - 1));
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE LEN_MAX = SIZE_80 - 1;
            new_size = std::min<SIZE_TYPE>(new_size, LEN_MAX);
            if (new_size <= 2)
                return 2;
            else if (new_size <= 4)
                return 4;
            SIZE_TYPE size1 = min_2pow(new_size);
            SIZE_TYPE size2 = size1 / 2;
            size2 = size2 + size2 / 2;
            if (new_size <= size2)
                return size2;
                return size1;
        SIZE_TYPE length() const
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_TYPE_BITS = sizeof(SIZE_TYPE) * 8;
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_80 = (1ull << (SIZE_TYPE_BITS - 1));
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE LEN_MAX = SIZE_80 - 1;
            return sign_n_len & LEN_MAX;
        bool sign() const
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_TYPE_BITS = sizeof(SIZE_TYPE) * 8;
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_80 = (1ull << (SIZE_TYPE_BITS - 1));
            return (SIZE_80 & sign_n_len) != 0;
        constexpr void resize(SIZE_TYPE new_size, SIZE_TYPE(size_func)(SIZE_TYPE) = size_generator)
            new_size = size_func(new_size);
            if (ary_ptr == nullptr)
                size = new_size;
                ary_ptr = new T[size];
            else if (size != new_size)
                size = new_size;
                ary_ptr = ary_realloc(ary_ptr, size);
        void change_length(SIZE_TYPE new_length)
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_TYPE_BITS = sizeof(SIZE_TYPE) * 8;
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_80 = (1ull << (SIZE_TYPE_BITS - 1));
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE LEN_MAX = SIZE_80 - 1;
            if (new_length > LEN_MAX)
                throw("Length too long\n");
            new_length = std::min(new_length, size);
            bool sign_tmp = sign();
            sign_n_len = new_length;
        void change_sign(bool is_sign)
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_TYPE_BITS = sizeof(SIZE_TYPE) * 8;
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE SIZE_80 = (1ull << (SIZE_TYPE_BITS - 1));
            constexpr SIZE_TYPE LEN_MAX = SIZE_80 - 1;
            if ((!is_sign) || length() == 0)
                sign_n_len = sign_n_len & LEN_MAX;
                sign_n_len = sign_n_len | SIZE_80;
        SIZE_TYPE set_true_len()
            if (ary_ptr == nullptr)
                return 0;
            SIZE_TYPE t_len = length();
            while (t_len > 0 && ary_ptr[t_len - 1] == 0)
            return length();
        void fill_element(T ele, SIZE_TYPE count, SIZE_TYPE begin = 0)
            if (begin >= size || ary_ptr == nullptr)
            if (begin + count >= size)
                count = size - begin;
            std::fill(ary_ptr + begin, ary_ptr + begin + count, ele);
namespace hint_arithm
    using namespace hint;
    using SIZE_TYPE = UINT_32;
    template <typename T>
    using hintvector = HintVector<T, SIZE_TYPE>;
    template <typename T>
    constexpr size_t ary_true_len(const T &ary, size_t len)
        while (len > 0 && ary[len - 1] == 0)
        return len;
    template <typename T>
    constexpr INT_32 abs_compare(const T ary1[], const T ary2[], size_t len1, size_t len2)
        len1 = ary_true_len(ary1, len1);
        len2 = ary_true_len(ary2, len2);
        if (len1 != len2)
            return len1 > len2 ? 1 : -1;
        if (ary1 == ary2)
            return 0;
        while (len1 > 0)
            T num1 = ary1[len1], num2 = ary2[len1];
            if (num1 != num2)
                return num1 > num2 ? 1 : -1;
        return 0;
    // 高精度乘低精度
    template <UINT_64 BASE, bool is_carry = true, typename T>
    constexpr void abs_mul_num(const T in[], T num, T out[], size_t len)
        len = ary_true_len(in, len);
        num %= BASE;
        UINT_64 prod = 0;
        if (num == 1)
            ary_copy(out, in, len);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
                prod += static_cast<UINT_64>(in[i]) * num;
                std::tie(prod, out[i]) = div_mod<UINT_64>(prod, BASE);
        if (is_carry)
            out[len] = prod;
    // 除以num的同时返回余数
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    constexpr INT_64 abs_div_num(const T in[], T num, T out[], size_t len)
        size_t pos = ary_true_len(in, len);
        num %= BASE;
        if (num == 1)
            ary_copy(out, in, len);
            return 0;
        UINT_64 last_rem = 0;
        while (pos > 0)
            last_rem = last_rem * BASE + in[pos];
            std::tie(out[pos], last_rem) = div_mod<UINT_64>(last_rem, num);
        return last_rem;
    // 高精度加法
    template <INT_64 BASE, bool is_carry = true, typename T>
    constexpr void abs_add(const T in1[], const T in2[], T out[],
                           size_t len1, size_t len2)
        if (len1 < len2)
            std::swap(in1, in2);
            std::swap(len1, len2);
        size_t pos = 0;
        UINT_64 carry = 0;
        while (pos < len2)
            carry += (in1[pos] + in2[pos]);
            out[pos] = carry < BASE ? carry : carry - BASE;
            carry = carry < BASE ? 0 : 1;
        while (pos < len1 && carry > 0)
            carry += in1[pos];
            out[pos] = carry < BASE ? carry : carry - BASE;
            carry = carry < BASE ? 0 : 1;
        ary_copy(out + pos, in1 + pos, len1 - pos);
        if (is_carry)
            out[len1] = carry % BASE;
    // 高精度减法
    template <INT_64 BASE, typename T>
    constexpr void abs_sub(const T in1[], const T in2[], T out[],
                           size_t len1, size_t len2)
        if (len1 < len2)
        size_t pos = 0;
        INT_64 borrow = 0;
        while (pos < len2)
            borrow += (static_cast<INT_64>(in1[pos]) - in2[pos]);
            out[pos] = borrow < 0 ? borrow + BASE : borrow;
            borrow = borrow < 0 ? -1 : 0;
        while (pos < len1 && borrow < 0)
            borrow += in1[pos];
            out[pos] = borrow < 0 ? borrow + BASE : borrow;
            borrow = borrow < 0 ? -1 : 0;
        ary_copy(out + pos, in1 + pos, len1 - pos);
    // fft加速乘法
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    void fft_mul(const T in1[], const T in2[], T out[],
                 size_t len1, size_t len2)
        using namespace hint_transform;
        if (len1 == 0 || len2 == 0 || in1 == nullptr || in2 == nullptr)
        const size_t conv_res_len = len1 + len2 - 1;   // 卷积结果长度
        const size_t fft_len = min_2pow(conv_res_len); // fft长度
        Complex *fft_ary = new Complex[fft_len];
        com_ary_combine_copy(fft_ary, in1, len1, in2, len2);
        fft_dif(fft_ary, fft_len, false);
        double inv = -1 / (2.0 * fft_len);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < fft_len; i++)
            Complex tmp = fft_ary[i];
            fft_ary[i] = std::conj(tmp * tmp * inv);
        fft_dit(fft_ary, fft_len, false);
        hint::UINT_64 carry = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < conv_res_len; i++)
            carry += static_cast<hint::UINT_64>(fft_ary[i].imag() + 0.5);
            std::tie(carry, out[i]) = div_mod<UINT_64>(carry, BASE);
        out[conv_res_len] = carry % BASE;
        delete[] fft_ary;
    // 除数的规则化
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    constexpr T divisor_normalize(const T in[], T out[], size_t len)
        if (in == out)
            throw("In can't be same as out\n");
        T multiplier = 1;
        if (len == 1)
            multiplier = (BASE - 1) / in[0];
            out[0] = in[0] * multiplier;
        else if (in[len - 1] >= (BASE / 2))
            ary_copy(out, in, len);
            multiplier = (BASE - 1) * BASE / (BASE * in[len - 1] + in[len - 2]);
            abs_mul_num<BASE, false>(in, multiplier, out, len);
            if (out[len - 1] < (BASE / 2))
                abs_add<BASE, false>(out, in, out, len, len);
        return multiplier;
    // 长除法,从被除数返回余数,需要确保除数的规则化
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    void abs_long_div(T dividend[], const T divisor[], T quot[],
                      size_t len1, size_t len2)
        len1 = ary_true_len(dividend, len1);
        len2 = ary_true_len(divisor, len2);
        if (divisor == nullptr || len2 == 0)
            throw("Can't divide by zero\n");
        if (dividend == nullptr || len1 == 0)
        if (abs_compare(dividend, divisor, len1, len2) < 0)
        if (len2 == 1)
            T rem = abs_div_num<BASE>(dividend, divisor[0], quot, len1);
            dividend[0] = rem;
        if (divisor[len2 - 1] < (BASE / 2))
            throw("Can't call this proc before normalize the divisor\n");
        quot[len1 - len2] = 0;
        const UINT_64 divisor_2digits = BASE * divisor[len2 - 1] + divisor[len2 - 2];

        hintvector<T> sub(len2 + 1);
        // 被除数(余数大于等于除数则继续减)
        while (abs_compare(dividend, divisor, len1, len2) >= 0)
            sub.change_length(len2 + 1);
            UINT_64 dividend_2digits = dividend[len1 - 1] * BASE + dividend[len1 - 2];
            T quo_digit = 0;
            size_t shift = len1 - len2;
            // 被除数前两位大于等于除数前两位试商的结果偏差不大于1
            if (dividend_2digits > divisor_2digits)
                quo_digit = dividend_2digits / divisor_2digits;
                abs_mul_num<BASE>(divisor, quo_digit, sub.data(), len2);
                size_t sub_len = sub.length();
                if (abs_compare(dividend + shift, sub.data(), len1 - shift, sub_len) < 0)
                    abs_sub<BASE>(sub.data(), divisor, sub.data(), sub_len, len2);
            else if (dividend_2digits == divisor_2digits)

                if (abs_compare(dividend + shift, divisor, len1 - shift, len2) < 0)
                    quo_digit = BASE - 1;
                    abs_mul_num<BASE>(divisor, quo_digit, sub.data(), len2);
                    quo_digit = 1;
                    ary_copy(sub.data(), divisor, len2);
                // 被除数前两位和除数前一位试商的结果偏差不大于2
                quo_digit = dividend_2digits / (divisor_2digits / BASE);
                if (quo_digit >= BASE)
                    quo_digit = BASE - 1;
                abs_mul_num<BASE>(divisor, quo_digit, sub.data(), len2);
                size_t sub_len = sub.length();
                if (abs_compare(dividend + shift, sub.data(), len1 - shift, sub_len) < 0)
                    abs_sub<BASE>(sub.data(), divisor, sub.data(), sub_len, len2);
                    if (abs_compare(dividend + shift, sub.data(), len1 - shift, sub_len) < 0)
                        abs_sub<BASE>(sub.data(), divisor, sub.data(), sub_len, len2);
            abs_sub<BASE>(dividend + shift, sub.data(), dividend + shift, len1 - shift, sub.length());
            len1 = ary_true_len(dividend, len1);
            quot[shift] = quo_digit;
    // 递归除法,从被除数返回余数,需要确保除数的规则化
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    void abs_rec_div(T dividend[], T divisor[], hintvector<T> &quot,
                     size_t len1, size_t len2)
        len1 = ary_true_len(dividend, len1);
        len2 = ary_true_len(divisor, len2);
        if (divisor == nullptr || len2 == 0)
            throw("Can't divide by zero\n");
        if (dividend == nullptr || len1 == 0)
        if (abs_compare(dividend, divisor, len1, len2) < 0)
        if (divisor[len2 - 1] < (BASE / 2))
            throw("Can't call this proc before normalize the divisor\n");
        size_t quot_len = len1 - len2 + 1;
        constexpr size_t LONG_DIV_THRESHOLD = 50;
        if (len2 <= LONG_DIV_THRESHOLD) // 小于等于阈值调用长除法
            abs_long_div<BASE>(dividend, divisor, quot.data(), len1, len2);
        else if (len1 >= len2 * 2 || len1 > ((len2 + 1) / 2) * 3) // 2n/n的除法,进行两次递归
            size_t base_len = (len1 + 3) / 4;
            size_t quot_tmp_len = base_len * 3 - len2 + 2;
            hintvector<T> quot_tmp(quot_tmp_len, 0);

            abs_rec_div<BASE>(dividend + base_len, divisor, quot_tmp, len1 - base_len, len2);
            quot_tmp_len = quot_tmp.set_true_len();
            size_t dividend_len = ary_true_len(dividend, len1);
            abs_rec_div<BASE>(dividend, divisor, quot, dividend_len, len2);
            quot_len = quot.set_true_len();
            abs_add<BASE>(quot.data() + base_len, quot_tmp.data(), quot.data() + base_len, quot_len - base_len, quot_tmp_len);
            quot.change_length(len1 - len2 + 1);
            // 开始试商,用dividend/(base^base_len)除以divisor/(base^base_len)
            size_t base_len = len2 / 2;
            abs_rec_div<BASE>(dividend + base_len, divisor + base_len, quot, len1 - base_len, len2 - base_len);

            constexpr T ONE[1] = {1};
            quot_len = quot.set_true_len();
            hintvector<T> prod(base_len + quot_len, 0);
            // 用除数的低base_len位乘以刚刚试出来的商,而后与余数比较,必须满足quot*(divisor%(base^base_len))<=dividend
            fft_mul<BASE>(divisor, quot.data(), prod.data(), base_len, quot_len);
            size_t prod_len = prod.set_true_len();
            len1 = ary_true_len(dividend, len1);
            while (abs_compare(prod.data(), dividend, prod_len, len1) > 0)
                abs_sub<BASE>(quot.data(), ONE, quot.data(), quot_len, 1);
                abs_sub<BASE>(prod.data(), divisor, prod.data(), prod_len, base_len);
                abs_add<BASE>(dividend + base_len, divisor + base_len, dividend + base_len, len1 - base_len, len2 - base_len);

                quot_len = quot.set_true_len();
                prod_len = prod.set_true_len();
                len1 = ary_true_len(dividend, std::max(len1, len2) + 1);
            abs_sub<BASE>(dividend, prod.data(), dividend, len1, prod_len);
    // 绝对值除法
    template <UINT_64 BASE, typename T>
    hintvector<T> abs_div(const T dividend[], T divisor[], hintvector<T> &quot,
                          size_t len1, size_t len2, bool ret_rem = true)
        hintvector<T> normalized_divisor(len2); // 定义规则化的除数
        hintvector<T> normalized_dividend(len1 + 1); // 定义规则化的被除数
        normalized_dividend.change_length(len1 + 1);

        T *divisor_ptr = normalized_divisor.data();
        T *dividend_ptr = normalized_dividend.data();
        T multiplier = divisor_normalize<BASE>(divisor, divisor_ptr, len2); // 除数规则化,获得乘数
        abs_mul_num<BASE>(dividend, multiplier, dividend_ptr, len1);        // 被除数规则化
        len1 = normalized_dividend.set_true_len();
        quot = hintvector<T>(len1 - len2 + 2, 0);

        if ((!ret_rem) && (len1 + 2 < len2 * 2))
            // 除数过长时可以截取一部分不参与计算
            size_t shift = len2 * 2 - len1 - 2;
            abs_rec_div<BASE>(dividend_ptr + shift, divisor_ptr + shift, quot, len1 - shift, len2 - shift);
            return normalized_dividend;
        abs_rec_div<BASE>(dividend_ptr, divisor_ptr, quot, len1, len2);
        if (ret_rem)
            len1 = normalized_dividend.set_true_len();
            abs_div_num<BASE>(dividend_ptr, multiplier, dividend_ptr, len1); // 余数除以乘数得到正确的结果
        return normalized_dividend;

class Integer
    using DataType = hint::UINT_32;
    using SizeType = hint::UINT_32;
    using DataVec = hint::HintVector<DataType, SizeType>;

    DataVec data;

    static constexpr hint::UINT_32 DIGIT = 6;
    static constexpr hint::UINT_64 BASE = 1000000;
        data = DataVec();
    Integer(const Integer &input)
        if (this != &input)
            data = input.data;
    Integer(Integer &&input) noexcept
        if (this != &input)
            data = std::move(input.data);
    Integer &operator=(const Integer &input)
        if (this != &input)
            data = input.data;
        return *this;
    Integer &operator=(Integer &&input) noexcept
        if (this != &input)
            data = std::move(input.data);
        return *this;
    Integer &operator=(const std::string &input)
        return *this;
    Integer &operator=(const char input[])
        return *this;
    DataType first_num() const
        if (length() == 0)
            return 0;
        return data[length() - 1];
    void change_sign(bool is_neg)
    bool is_neg() const
        return data.sign();
    SizeType length() const
        return data.length();
    SizeType length_base10() const
        size_t len = data.length();
        if (len == 0)
            return 1;
        return (len - 1) * DIGIT + std::ceil(std::log10(first_num() + 1));
    void string_in(const std::string &str)
        size_t str_len = str.size();
        if (str_len == 0)
            data = DataVec();
        hint::INT_64 len = str_len, pos = len, i = 0;
        bool is_neg = false;
        if (str[0] == '-')
            is_neg = true;
        len = (len + DIGIT - 1) / DIGIT;
        data = DataVec(len);
        while (pos - DIGIT > 0)
            hint::UINT_64 tmp = hint::stoui64(str.begin() + pos - DIGIT, str.begin() + pos);
            data[i] = static_cast<DataType>(tmp);
            pos -= DIGIT;
        hint::INT_64 begin = is_neg ? 1 : 0;
        if (pos > begin)
            hint::UINT_64 tmp = hint::stoui64(str.begin() + begin, str.begin() + pos);
            data[i] = static_cast<DataType>(tmp);
    std::string to_string() const
        std::string result;
        size_t pos = length();
        if (pos == 0)
            return "0";
        if (is_neg())
            result += '-';
        result += std::to_string(first_num());
        while (pos > 0)
            result += hint::ui64to_string(data[pos], DIGIT);
        return result;
    hint::INT_32 abs_compare(const Integer &input) const
        size_t len1 = length(), len2 = input.length();
        return hint_arithm::abs_compare(data.data(), input.data.data(), len1, len2);
    Integer operator/(const Integer &input) const
        Integer result;
        size_t len1 = length(), len2 = input.length();
        if (abs_compare(input) < 0)
            return result;
        if (len2 == 0)
            throw("Can't divide by zero\n");
        auto ptr1 = data.data();
        auto ptr2 = input.data.data();
        hint_arithm::abs_div<BASE>(ptr1, ptr2, result.data, len1, len2, false);
        result.change_sign(is_neg() != input.is_neg());
        return result;
int main()
    std::string s;
    Integer a, b;
    std::cin >> s;
    std::cin >> s;
    std::cout << (a / b).to_string();

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