#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <climits>
#include <string>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <type_traits>
#include <immintrin.h>
#pragma GCC optimize("inline")
#pragma GCC target("avx2")
namespace hint
using Float32 = float;
using Float64 = double;
using Complex32 = std::complex<Float32>;
using Complex64 = std::complex<Float64>;
constexpr Float64 HINT_PI = 3.141592653589793238462643;
constexpr Float64 HINT_2PI = HINT_PI * 2;
// bits of 1, equals to 2^bits - 1
template <typename T>
constexpr T all_one(int bits)
T temp = T(1) << (bits - 1);
return temp - 1 + temp;
// Leading zeros
template <typename IntTy>
constexpr int hint_clz(IntTy x)
constexpr uint32_t MASK32 = uint32_t(0xFFFF) << 16;
int res = sizeof(IntTy) * CHAR_BIT;
if (x & MASK32)
res -= 16;
x >>= 16;
if (x & (MASK32 >> 8))
res -= 8;
x >>= 8;
if (x & (MASK32 >> 12))
res -= 4;
x >>= 4;
if (x & (MASK32 >> 14))
res -= 2;
x >>= 2;
if (x & (MASK32 >> 15))
res -= 1;
x >>= 1;
return res - x;
// Leading zeros
constexpr int hint_clz(uint64_t x)
if (x & (uint64_t(0xFFFFFFFF) << 32))
return hint_clz(uint32_t(x >> 32));
return hint_clz(uint32_t(x)) + 32;
// Integer bit length
template <typename IntTy>
constexpr int hint_bit_length(IntTy x)
if (x == 0)
return 0;
return sizeof(IntTy) * CHAR_BIT - hint_clz(x);
// Integer log2
template <typename IntTy>
constexpr int hint_log2(IntTy x)
return (sizeof(IntTy) * CHAR_BIT - 1) - hint_clz(x);
constexpr int hint_ctz(uint32_t x)
int r = 31;
x &= (-x);
if (x & 0x0000FFFF)
r -= 16;
if (x & 0x00FF00FF)
r -= 8;
if (x & 0x0F0F0F0F)
r -= 4;
if (x & 0x33333333)
r -= 2;
if (x & 0x55555555)
r -= 1;
return r;
constexpr int hint_ctz(uint64_t x)
if (x & 0xFFFFFFFF)
return hint_ctz(uint32_t(x));
return hint_ctz(uint32_t(x >> 32)) + 32;
// Fast power
template <typename T, typename T1>
constexpr T qpow(T m, T1 n)
T result = 1;
while (n > 0)
if ((n & 1) != 0)
result *= m;
m *= m;
n >>= 1;
return result;
// Fast power with mod
template <typename T, typename T1>
constexpr T qpow(T m, T1 n, T mod)
T result = 1;
while (n > 0)
if ((n & 1) != 0)
result *= m;
result %= mod;
m *= m;
m %= mod;
n >>= 1;
return result;
// Get cloest power of 2 that not larger than n
template <typename T>
constexpr T int_floor2(T n)
constexpr int bits = sizeof(n) * CHAR_BIT;
for (int i = 1; i < bits; i *= 2)
n |= (n >> i);
return (n >> 1) + 1;
// Get cloest power of 2 that not smaller than n
template <typename T>
constexpr T int_ceil2(T n)
constexpr int bits = sizeof(n) * CHAR_BIT;
for (int i = 1; i < bits; i *= 2)
n |= (n >> i);
return n + 1;
// x + y = sum with carry
template <typename UintTy>
constexpr UintTy add_half(UintTy x, UintTy y, bool &cf)
x = x + y;
cf = (x < y);
return x;
// x - y = diff with borrow
template <typename UintTy>
constexpr UintTy sub_half(UintTy x, UintTy y, bool &bf)
y = x - y;
bf = (y > x);
return y;
// x + y + cf = sum with carry
template <typename UintTy>
constexpr UintTy add_carry(UintTy x, UintTy y, bool &cf)
UintTy sum = x + cf;
cf = (sum < x);
sum += y; // carry
cf = cf || (sum < y); // carry
return sum;
// x - y - bf = diff with borrow
template <typename UintTy>
constexpr UintTy sub_borrow(UintTy x, UintTy y, bool &bf)
UintTy diff = x - bf;
bf = (diff > x);
y = diff - y; // borrow
bf = bf || (y > diff); // borrow
return y;
// a * x + b * y = gcd(a,b)
template <typename IntTy>
constexpr IntTy exgcd(IntTy a, IntTy b, IntTy &x, IntTy &y)
if (b == 0)
x = 1;
y = 0;
return a;
IntTy k = a / b;
IntTy g = exgcd(b, a - k * b, y, x);
y -= k * x;
return g;
// return n^-1 mod mod
template <typename IntTy>
constexpr IntTy mod_inv(IntTy n, IntTy mod)
n %= mod;
IntTy x = 0, y = 0;
exgcd(n, mod, x, y);
if (x < 0)
x += mod;
else if (x >= mod)
x -= mod;
return x;
// return n^-1 mod 2^pow, Newton iteration
constexpr uint64_t inv_mod2pow(uint64_t n, int pow)
const uint64_t mask = all_one<uint64_t>(pow);
uint64_t xn = 1, t = n & mask;
while (t != 1)
xn = (xn * (2 - t));
t = (xn * n) & mask;
return xn & mask;
namespace transform
template <typename T>
inline void transform2(T &sum, T &diff)
T temp0 = sum, temp1 = diff;
sum = temp0 + temp1;
diff = temp0 - temp1;
// 二进制逆序
template <typename It>
void binary_reverse_swap(It begin, It end)
const size_t len = end - begin;
// 左下标小于右下标时交换,防止重复交换
auto smaller_swap = [=](It it_left, It it_right)
if (it_left < it_right)
std::swap(it_left[0], it_right[0]);
// 若i的逆序数的迭代器为last,则返回i+1的逆序数的迭代器
auto get_next_bitrev = [=](It last)
size_t k = len / 2, indx = last - begin;
indx ^= k;
while (k > indx)
k >>= 1;
indx ^= k;
return begin + indx;
// 长度较短的普通逆序
if (len <= 16)
for (auto i = begin + 1, j = begin + len / 2; i < end - 1; i++)
smaller_swap(i, j);
j = get_next_bitrev(j);
const size_t len_8 = len / 8;
const auto last = begin + len_8;
auto i0 = begin + 1, i1 = i0 + len / 2, i2 = i0 + len / 4, i3 = i1 + len / 4;
for (auto j = begin + len / 2; i0 < last; i0++, i1++, i2++, i3++)
smaller_swap(i0, j);
smaller_swap(i1, j + 1);
smaller_swap(i2, j + 2);
smaller_swap(i3, j + 3);
smaller_swap(i0 + len_8, j + 4);
smaller_swap(i1 + len_8, j + 5);
smaller_swap(i2 + len_8, j + 6);
smaller_swap(i3 + len_8, j + 7);
j = get_next_bitrev(j);
// 二进制逆序
template <typename T>
void binary_reverse_swap(T ary, const size_t len)
binary_reverse_swap(ary, ary + len);
// 多模式,自动类型,自检查快速数论变换
namespace ntt
constexpr uint64_t MOD3 = 754974721, ROOT3 = 11;
constexpr uint64_t MOD4 = 469762049, ROOT4 = 3;
// Montgomery for mod < 2^30
// default R = 2^32
template <uint32_t MOD>
class MontInt32Lazy
static_assert(hint_log2(MOD) < 30, "MOD can't be larger than 30 bits");
uint32_t data;
using IntType = uint32_t;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy() : data(0) {}
constexpr MontInt32Lazy(uint32_t n) : data(toMont(n)) {}
constexpr MontInt32Lazy operator+(MontInt32Lazy rhs) const
rhs.data = data + rhs.data;
return rhs.largeNorm();
constexpr MontInt32Lazy operator-(MontInt32Lazy rhs) const
rhs.data = data - rhs.data;
rhs.data = rhs.data > data ? rhs.data + mod2() : rhs.data;
return rhs;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy operator*(MontInt32Lazy rhs) const
rhs.data = redcLazy(uint64_t(data) * rhs.data);
return rhs;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy &operator+=(const MontInt32Lazy &rhs)
return *this = *this + rhs;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy &operator-=(const MontInt32Lazy &rhs)
return *this = *this - rhs;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy &operator*=(const MontInt32Lazy &rhs)
data = redc(uint64_t(data) * rhs.data);
return *this;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy largeNorm() const
MontInt32Lazy res;
res.data = data >= mod2() ? data - mod2() : data;
return res;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy add(MontInt32Lazy rhs) const
rhs.data = data + rhs.data;
return rhs;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy sub(MontInt32Lazy rhs) const
rhs.data = data - rhs.data + mod2();
return rhs;
constexpr operator uint32_t() const
return toInt(data);
constexpr uint32_t rawData() const
return data;
static constexpr uint32_t mod()
return MOD;
static constexpr uint32_t mod2()
return MOD * 2;
static constexpr uint32_t modInv()
constexpr uint32_t mod_inv = uint32_t(inv_mod2pow(mod(), 32));
return mod_inv;
static constexpr uint32_t modNegInv()
constexpr uint32_t mod_neg_inv = uint32_t(0 - modInv());
return mod_neg_inv;
static_assert((mod() * modInv()) == 1, "mod_inv not correct");
static constexpr uint32_t toMont(uint32_t n)
return (uint64_t(n) << 32) % MOD;
static constexpr uint32_t toInt(uint32_t n)
return redc(n);
static constexpr uint32_t redcLazy(uint64_t n)
uint32_t prod = uint32_t(n) * modNegInv();
return (uint64_t(prod) * mod() + n) >> 32;
static constexpr uint32_t redc(uint64_t n)
uint32_t res = redcLazy(n);
return res < mod() ? res : res - mod();
constexpr MontInt32Lazy divR() const
MontInt32Lazy res;
res.data = redc(data);
return res;
constexpr MontInt32Lazy mulR() const
MontInt32Lazy res;
res.data = toMont(data);
return res;
template <typename MontInt32Type>
struct MontInt32X8
using MontInt = MontInt32Type;
using Int32X8 = __m256i;
__m256i data;
MontInt32X8() : data(_mm256_setzero_si256()) {}
MontInt32X8(MontInt x) : data(_mm256_set1_epi32(x.rawData())) {}
MontInt32X8(Int32X8 n) : data(toMont(n)) {}
template <typename T>
MontInt32X8(const T *p)
MontInt32X8 operator+(MontInt32X8 rhs) const
rhs.data = _mm256_add_epi32(data, rhs.data);
return rhs.largeNorm();
MontInt32X8 operator-(MontInt32X8 rhs) const
rhs.data = _mm256_sub_epi32(data, rhs.data);
return rhs.smallNorm();
MontInt32X8 operator*(MontInt32X8 rhs) const
rhs.data = mulMontLazy(data, rhs.data);
return rhs;
MontInt32X8 &operator+=(const MontInt32X8 &rhs)
return *this = *this + rhs;
MontInt32X8 &operator-=(const MontInt32X8 &rhs)
return *this = *this - rhs;
MontInt32X8 &operator*=(const MontInt32X8 &rhs)
return *this = *this * rhs;
MontInt32X8 add(MontInt32X8 rhs) const
rhs.data = _mm256_add_epi32(data, rhs.data);
return rhs;
MontInt32X8 sub(MontInt32X8 rhs) const
rhs.data = _mm256_sub_epi32(data, rhs.data);
rhs.data = _mm256_add_epi32(mod2X8(), rhs.data);
return rhs;
static Int32X8 montRedcLazy(Int32X8 even64, Int32X8 odd64)
Int32X8 prod0 = mul64(even64, modNX8());
Int32X8 prod1 = mul64(odd64, modNX8());
prod0 = mul64(prod0, modX8());
prod1 = mul64(prod1, modX8());
prod0 = rawAdd64(prod0, even64);
prod1 = rawAdd64(prod1, odd64);
prod0 = rShift64<32>(prod0);
return blend<0b10101010>(prod0, prod1);
static Int32X8 montRedc(Int32X8 even64, Int32X8 odd64)
MontInt32X8 res;
res.data = montRedcLazy(even64, odd64);
return res.norm().data;
static Int32X8 mulMont(Int32X8 lhs, Int32X8 rhs)
mul32X32To64(lhs, rhs, lhs, rhs);
return montRedc(lhs, rhs);
static Int32X8 mulMontLazy(Int32X8 lhs, Int32X8 rhs)
mul32X32To64(lhs, rhs, lhs, rhs);
return montRedcLazy(lhs, rhs);
static void mul32X32To64(Int32X8 lhs, Int32X8 rhs, Int32X8 &low, Int32X8 &high)
low = mul64(lhs, rhs);
high = mul64(rShift64<32>(lhs), rShift64<32>(rhs));
MontInt32X8 norm() const
MontInt32X8 dif;
dif.data = rawSub(data, modX8());
dif.data = minU32(data, dif.data);
return dif;
MontInt32X8 largeNorm() const
MontInt32X8 dif;
dif.data = rawSub(data, mod2X8());
dif.data = minU32(data, dif.data);
return dif;
MontInt32X8 smallNorm() const
MontInt32X8 sum;
sum.data = rawAdd(data, mod2X8());
sum.data = minU32(data, sum.data);
return sum;
// [a,b]->[0,a]
MontInt32X8 lshift32In64() const
MontInt32X8 res;
res.data = lShift64<32>(data);
return res;
// [a,b]->[b,0]
MontInt32X8 rshift32In64() const
MontInt32X8 res;
res.data = rShift64<32>(data);
return res;
template <int N>
static MontInt32X8 blend(MontInt32X8 a, MontInt32X8 b)
a.data = _mm256_blend_epi32(a.data, b.data, N);
return a;
template <int N>
static MontInt32X8 permute2X128(MontInt32X8 a, MontInt32X8 b)
a.data = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(a.data, b.data, N);
return a;
template <int N>
MontInt32X8 lShiftByte128() const
MontInt32X8 res;
res.data = _mm256_bslli_epi128(data, N);
return res;
template <int N>
MontInt32X8 rShiftByte128() const
MontInt32X8 res;
res.data = _mm256_bsrli_epi128(data, N);
return res;
MontInt32X8 lshift64In128() const
return lShiftByte128<8>();
MontInt32X8 rshift64In128() const
return rShiftByte128<8>();
// even[a,b],odd[c,d]->[a,d]
static MontInt32X8 cross32(const MontInt32X8 &even, const MontInt32X8 &odd)
return blend<0b10101010>(even, odd);
// even[a,b,c,d],odd[e,f,g,h]->[a,b,g,h]
static MontInt32X8 cross64(const MontInt32X8 &even, const MontInt32X8 &odd)
return blend<0b11001100>(even, odd);
// lo[a,b],hi[c,d]->[a,c]
static MontInt32X8 packLo128(const MontInt32X8 &lo, const MontInt32X8 &hi)
return permute2X128<0x20>(lo, hi);
// lo[a,b],hi[c,d]->[b,d]
static MontInt32X8 packHi128(const MontInt32X8 &lo, const MontInt32X8 &hi)
return permute2X128<0x31>(lo, hi);
static constexpr uint32_t mod()
return MontInt::mod();
static constexpr uint32_t modNegInv()
return MontInt::modNegInv();
static Int32X8 zeroX8()
return _mm256_setzero_si256();
static Int32X8 modX8()
return _mm256_set1_epi32(mod());
static Int32X8 mod2X8()
constexpr uint32_t MOD2 = mod() * 2;
return _mm256_set1_epi32(MOD2);
static Int32X8 modNX8()
constexpr uint32_t MOD_INV_NEG = modNegInv();
return _mm256_set1_epi32(MOD_INV_NEG);
static Int32X8 r2X8()
constexpr uint32_t R = (uint64_t(1) << 32) % mod(), R2 = uint64_t(R) * R % mod();
return _mm256_set1_epi32(R2);
static Int32X8 mul64(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_mul_epu32(lhs, rhs);
template <int N>
static Int32X8 lShift64(const Int32X8 &n)
return _mm256_slli_epi64(n, N);
template <int N>
static Int32X8 rShift64(const Int32X8 &n)
return _mm256_srli_epi64(n, N);
static Int32X8 rawAdd(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_add_epi32(lhs, rhs);
static Int32X8 rawSub(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_sub_epi32(lhs, rhs);
static Int32X8 rawAdd64(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_add_epi64(lhs, rhs);
static Int32X8 rawSub64(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_sub_epi64(lhs, rhs);
static Int32X8 maxU32(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_max_epu32(lhs, rhs);
static Int32X8 minU32(const Int32X8 &lhs, const Int32X8 &rhs)
return _mm256_min_epu32(lhs, rhs);
template <int N>
static Int32X8 blend(const Int32X8 &a, const Int32X8 &b)
return _mm256_blend_epi32(a, b, N);
static Int32X8 toMont(const Int32X8 &n)
return mulMont(r2X8(), n);
static Int32X8 toInt(const Int32X8 &n)
Int32X8 e = evenElements(n);
Int32X8 o = rShift64<32>(n);
return montRedc(e, o);
Int32X8 toInt() const
return toInt(data);
// a,b,c,d -> a,0,b,0
static Int32X8 evenElements(const Int32X8 &n)
return blend<0b10101010>(n, zeroX8());
// a,b,c,d -> 0,b,0,d
static Int32X8 oddElements(const Int32X8 &n)
return blend<0b01010101>(n, zeroX8());
void set1(int32_t n)
data = _mm256_set1_epi32(n);
template <typename T>
void loadu(const T *p)
data = _mm256_loadu_si256((const __m256i *)p);
template <typename T>
void load(const T *p)
data = _mm256_load_si256((const __m256i *)p);
// data = *reinterpret_cast<const __m256i *>(p);
template <typename T>
void storeu(T *p) const
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i *)p, data);
template <typename T>
void store(T *p) const
_mm256_store_si256((__m256i *)p, data);
// *reinterpret_cast<__m256i *>(p) = data;
uint32_t nthU32(size_t i) const
return _mm256_extract_epi32(data, i);
uint64_t nthU64(size_t i) const
return _mm256_extract_epi64(data, i);
void printU32() const
std::cout << "[" << nthU32(0) << "," << nthU32(1)
<< "," << nthU32(2) << "," << nthU32(3)
<< "," << nthU32(4) << "," << nthU32(5)
<< "," << nthU32(6) << "," << nthU32(7) << "]" << std::endl;
void printU64() const
std::cout << "[" << nthU64(0) << "," << nthU64(1)
<< "," << nthU64(2) << "," << nthU64(3) << "]" << std::endl;
void printU32Int() const
MontInt32X8 res;
res.data = toInt();
template <typename IntType>
constexpr bool check_inv(uint64_t n, uint64_t n_inv, uint64_t mod)
n %= mod;
n_inv %= mod;
IntType m(n);
m *= IntType(n_inv);
m %= IntType(mod);
return m == IntType(1);
// 快速计算两模数的中国剩余定理
template <uint32_t MOD1, uint32_t MOD2>
inline uint64_t crt2(uint32_t num1, uint32_t num2)
constexpr uint64_t inv1 = mod_inv<int64_t>(MOD1, MOD2);
constexpr uint64_t inv2 = mod_inv<int64_t>(MOD2, MOD1);
static_assert(check_inv<uint64_t>(inv1, MOD1, MOD2), "Inv1 error");
static_assert(check_inv<uint64_t>(inv2, MOD2, MOD1), "Inv2 error");
if (num1 > num2)
return (uint64_t(num1 - num2) * uint64_t(inv2) % MOD1) * MOD2 + num2;
return (uint64_t(num2 - num1) * uint64_t(inv1) % MOD2) * MOD1 + num1;
namespace split_radix_avx
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType, typename T>
inline T mul_w41(const T &n)
constexpr ModIntType W_4_1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 4);
return n * T(W_4_1);
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType, typename T>
inline T mul_w81(const T &n)
constexpr ModIntType W_8_1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 8);
return n * T(W_8_1);
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType, typename T>
inline T mul_w83(const T &n)
constexpr ModIntType W_8_3 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 8 * 3);
return n * T(W_8_3);
// in: in_out0<4p, in_ou1<4p; in_out2<2p, in_ou3<2p
// out: in_out0<4p, in_ou1<4p; in_out2<4p, in_ou3<4p
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType, typename T>
inline void dit_butterfly244(T &in_out0, T &in_out1, T &in_out2, T &in_out3)
T temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
temp0 = in_out0.largeNorm();
temp1 = in_out1.largeNorm();
temp2 = in_out2 + in_out3;
temp3 = in_out2.sub(in_out3);
temp3 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(temp3);
in_out0 = temp0.add(temp2);
in_out2 = temp0.sub(temp2);
in_out1 = temp1.add(temp3);
in_out3 = temp1.sub(temp3);
// in: in_out0<2p, in_ou1<2p; in_out2<2p, in_ou3<2p
// out: in_out0<2p, in_ou1<2p; in_out2<4p, in_ou3<4p
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType, typename T>
inline void dif_butterfly244(T &in_out0, T &in_out1, T &in_out2, T &in_out3)
T temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
temp0 = in_out0.add(in_out2);
temp2 = in_out0 - in_out2;
temp1 = in_out1.add(in_out3);
temp3 = in_out1.sub(in_out3);
temp3 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(temp3);
in_out0 = temp0.largeNorm();
in_out1 = temp1.largeNorm();
in_out2 = temp2.add(temp3);
in_out3 = temp2.sub(temp3);
// in: in_out0<4p, in_ou1<4p
// out: in_out0<4p, in_ou1<4p
template <typename ModIntType>
inline void dit_butterfly2(ModIntType &in_out0, ModIntType &in_out1, const ModIntType &omega)
auto x = in_out0.largeNorm();
auto y = in_out1 * omega;
in_out0 = x.add(y);
in_out1 = x.sub(y);
// in: in_out0<2p, in_ou1<2p
// out: in_out0<2p, in_ou1<2p
template <typename ModIntType>
inline void dif_butterfly2(ModIntType &in_out0, ModIntType &in_out1, const ModIntType &omega)
auto x = in_out0 + in_out1;
auto y = in_out0.sub(in_out1);
in_out0 = x;
in_out1 = y * omega;
template <size_t MAX_LEN, uint32_t ROOT, typename ModInt>
struct NTTShort
static constexpr size_t NTT_LEN = MAX_LEN;
static constexpr int LOG_LEN = hint_log2(NTT_LEN);
using ModIntX8 = MontInt32X8<ModInt>;
using ModIntType = ModInt;
struct TableType
alignas(64) std::array<ModIntType, NTT_LEN> omega_table;
// Compute in compile time if need.
/*constexpr*/ TableType()
for (int omega_log_len = 0; omega_log_len <= LOG_LEN; omega_log_len++)
size_t omega_len = size_t(1) << omega_log_len, omega_count = omega_len / 2;
auto it = &omega_table[omega_len / 2];
ModIntType root = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / omega_len);
ModIntType omega(1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < omega_count; i++)
it[i] = omega;
omega *= root;
constexpr ModIntType &operator[](size_t i)
return omega_table[i];
constexpr const ModIntType &operator[](size_t i) const
return omega_table[i];
constexpr const ModIntType *getOmegaIt(size_t len) const
return &omega_table[len / 2];
static TableType table;
static ModIntX8 omegax8(size_t ntt_len, int factor)
alignas(32) ModIntType w_arr[8]{};
ModIntType w(1), unit(qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / ntt_len * factor));
for (auto &&i : w_arr)
i = w;
w = w * unit;
return ModIntX8(w_arr);
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
len = std::min(NTT_LEN, len);
if (len <= 16)
NTTShort<16, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit(in_out, len);
size_t rank = len;
if (hint_log2(len) % 2 == 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 16)
NTTShort<16, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit(in_out + i);
rank = 64;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 16)
NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit8X2(in_out + i);
rank = 32;
for (; rank <= len; rank *= 4)
size_t gap = rank / 4;
auto omega_it = table.getOmegaIt(rank), last_omega_it = table.getOmegaIt(rank / 2);
auto it0 = in_out, it1 = in_out + gap, it2 = in_out + gap * 2, it3 = in_out + gap * 3;
for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j += rank)
for (size_t i = 0; i < gap; i += 8)
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, omega;
temp0.load(&it0[j + i]), temp1.load(&it1[j + i]), temp2.load(&it2[j + i]), temp3.load(&it3[j + i]);
dit_butterfly2(temp0, temp1, omega);
dit_butterfly2(temp2, temp3, omega);
dit_butterfly2(temp0, temp2, omega);
omega.load(&omega_it[gap + i]);
dit_butterfly2(temp1, temp3, omega);
temp0.store(&it0[j + i]), temp1.store(&it1[j + i]), temp2.store(&it2[j + i]), temp3.store(&it3[j + i]);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
len = std::min(NTT_LEN, len);
if (len <= 16)
NTTShort<16, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif(in_out, len);
size_t rank = len;
for (; rank >= 32; rank /= 4)
size_t gap = rank / 4;
auto omega_it = table.getOmegaIt(rank), last_omega_it = table.getOmegaIt(rank / 2);
auto it0 = in_out, it1 = in_out + gap, it2 = in_out + gap * 2, it3 = in_out + gap * 3;
for (size_t j = 0; j < len; j += rank)
for (size_t i = 0; i < gap; i += 8)
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, omega;
temp0.load(&it0[j + i]), temp1.load(&it1[j + i]), temp2.load(&it2[j + i]), temp3.load(&it3[j + i]);
dif_butterfly2(temp0, temp2, omega);
omega.load(&omega_it[gap + i]);
dif_butterfly2(temp1, temp3, omega);
dif_butterfly2(temp0, temp1, omega);
dif_butterfly2(temp2, temp3, omega);
temp0.store(&it0[j + i]), temp1.store(&it1[j + i]), temp2.store(&it2[j + i]), temp3.store(&it3[j + i]);
if (hint_log2(len) % 2 == 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 16)
NTTShort<16, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif(in_out + i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i += 16)
NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif8X2(in_out + i);
template <size_t LEN, uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
typename NTTShort<LEN, ROOT, ModIntType>::TableType NTTShort<LEN, ROOT, ModIntType>::table;
template <size_t LEN, uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
constexpr size_t NTTShort<LEN, ROOT, ModIntType>::NTT_LEN;
template <size_t LEN, uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
constexpr int NTTShort<LEN, ROOT, ModIntType>::LOG_LEN;
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
struct NTTShort<0, ROOT, ModIntType>
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[]) {}
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[]) {}
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len) {}
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len) {}
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
struct NTTShort<1, ROOT, ModIntType>
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[]) {}
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[]) {}
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len) {}
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len) {}
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
struct NTTShort<2, ROOT, ModIntType>
using ModIntX8 = MontInt32X8<ModIntType>;
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[])
transform2(in_out[0], in_out[1]);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[])
transform2(in_out[0], in_out[1]);
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 2)
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 2)
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
struct NTTShort<4, ROOT, ModIntType>
using ModIntX8 = MontInt32X8<ModIntType>;
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[])
auto temp0 = in_out[0].largeNorm();
auto temp1 = in_out[1].largeNorm();
auto temp2 = in_out[2].largeNorm();
auto temp3 = in_out[3].largeNorm();
transform2(temp0, temp1);
auto sum = temp2.add(temp3);
auto dif = temp2.sub(temp3);
temp2 = sum.largeNorm();
temp3 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(dif);
in_out[0] = temp0.add(temp2);
in_out[1] = temp1.add(temp3);
in_out[2] = temp0.sub(temp2);
in_out[3] = temp1.sub(temp3);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[])
auto temp0 = in_out[0];
auto temp1 = in_out[1];
auto temp2 = in_out[2];
auto temp3 = in_out[3];
transform2(temp0, temp2);
auto sum = temp1.add(temp3);
auto dif = temp1.sub(temp3);
temp1 = sum.largeNorm();
temp3 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(dif);
in_out[0] = temp0 + temp1;
in_out[1] = temp0 - temp1;
in_out[2] = temp2 + temp3;
in_out[3] = temp2 - temp3;
static ModIntX8 transform2X4(ModIntX8 in)
ModIntX8 lo = in.lshift32In64(); // 0, a
ModIntX8 hi = in.rshift32In64(); // b, 0
lo = lo.sub(in); // X, a - b + mod2
hi = hi.add(in); // a + b ,X
return ModIntX8::cross32(hi, lo).largeNorm();
static void dit4X4(ModIntX8 &A, ModIntX8 &B)
constexpr ModIntType W_4_1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 4);
alignas(32) constexpr ModIntType w_arr[8]{ModIntType(1), W_4_1, ModIntType(1), W_4_1, ModIntType(1), W_4_1, ModIntType(1), W_4_1};
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, omega;
temp0 = transform2X4(A); // A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7
temp1 = transform2X4(B); // B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
temp2 = temp0.rshift64In128(); // A2,A3,X,X,A6,A7,X,X
temp3 = temp1.lshift64In128(); // X,X,B0,B1,X,X,B4,B5
temp0 = ModIntX8::cross64(temp0, temp3); // A0,A1,B0,B1,A4,A5,B4,B5
temp1 = ModIntX8::cross64(temp2, temp1); // A2,A3,B2,B3,A6,A7,B6,B7
temp1 = temp1 * omega; // (A2,A3,B2,B3,A6,A7,B6,B7)*w
temp2 = temp0.add(temp1); // A0,A1,B0,B1,A4,A5,B4,B5
temp3 = temp0.sub(temp1); // A2,A3,B2,B3,A6,A7,B6,B7
temp0 = temp2.rshift64In128(); // B0,B1,X,X,B4,B5,X,X
temp1 = temp3.lshift64In128(); // X,X,A2,A3,X,X,A6,A7
A = ModIntX8::cross64(temp2, temp1); // A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7
B = ModIntX8::cross64(temp0, temp3); // B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
static void dif4X4(ModIntX8 &A, ModIntX8 &B)
constexpr ModIntType W_4_1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 4);
alignas(32) constexpr ModIntType w_arr[8]{ModIntType(1), W_4_1, ModIntType(1), W_4_1, ModIntType(1), W_4_1, ModIntType(1), W_4_1};
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, omega;
temp2 = A.rshift64In128(); // A2,A3,X,X,A6,A7,X,X
temp3 = B.lshift64In128(); // X,X,B0,B1,X,X,B4,B5
temp0 = ModIntX8::cross64(A, temp3); // A0,A1,B0,B1,A4,A5,B4,B5
temp1 = ModIntX8::cross64(temp2, B); // A2,A3,B2,B3,A6,A7,B6,B7
temp2 = temp0 + temp1; // A0,A1,B0,B1,A4,A5,B4,B5
temp3 = temp0.sub(temp1);
temp3 = temp3 * omega; // (A2,A3,B2,B3,A6,A7,B6,B7)*w
temp0 = temp2.rshift64In128(); // B0,B1,X,X,B4,B5,X,X
temp1 = temp3.lshift64In128(); // X,X,A2,A3,X,X,A6,A7
temp2 = ModIntX8::cross64(temp2, temp1); // A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7
temp3 = ModIntX8::cross64(temp0, temp3); // B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
A = transform2X4(temp2); // A
B = transform2X4(temp3); // B
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 4)
NTTShort<2, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit(in_out, len);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 4)
NTTShort<2, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif(in_out, len);
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
struct NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>
using ModIntX8 = MontInt32X8<ModIntType>;
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[])
static constexpr ModIntType w1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 8);
static constexpr ModIntType w2 = qpow(w1, 2);
static constexpr ModIntType w3 = qpow(w1, 3);
auto temp0 = in_out[0].largeNorm();
auto temp1 = in_out[1].largeNorm();
auto temp2 = in_out[2].largeNorm();
auto temp3 = in_out[3].largeNorm();
auto temp4 = in_out[4].largeNorm();
auto temp5 = in_out[5].largeNorm();
auto temp6 = in_out[6].largeNorm();
auto temp7 = in_out[7].largeNorm();
transform2(temp0, temp1);
transform2(temp4, temp5);
auto sum = temp2.add(temp3);
auto dif = temp2.sub(temp3);
temp2 = sum.largeNorm();
temp3 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(dif);
sum = temp6.add(temp7);
dif = temp6.sub(temp7);
temp6 = sum.largeNorm();
temp7 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(dif);
transform2(temp0, temp2);
transform2(temp1, temp3);
sum = temp4.add(temp6);
dif = temp4.sub(temp6);
temp4 = sum.largeNorm();
temp6 = dif * w2;
sum = temp5.add(temp7);
dif = temp5.sub(temp7);
temp5 = sum * w1;
temp7 = dif * w3;
in_out[0] = temp0.add(temp4);
in_out[1] = temp1.add(temp5);
in_out[2] = temp2.add(temp6);
in_out[3] = temp3.add(temp7);
in_out[4] = temp0.sub(temp4);
in_out[5] = temp1.sub(temp5);
in_out[6] = temp2.sub(temp6);
in_out[7] = temp3.sub(temp7);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[])
static constexpr ModIntType w1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 8);
static constexpr ModIntType w2 = qpow(w1, 2);
static constexpr ModIntType w3 = qpow(w1, 3);
auto temp0 = in_out[0];
auto temp1 = in_out[1];
auto temp2 = in_out[2];
auto temp3 = in_out[3];
auto temp4 = in_out[4];
auto temp5 = in_out[5];
auto temp6 = in_out[6];
auto temp7 = in_out[7];
transform2(temp0, temp4);
auto sum = temp1.add(temp5);
auto dif = temp1.sub(temp5);
temp1 = sum.largeNorm();
temp5 = dif * w1;
sum = temp2.add(temp6);
dif = temp2.sub(temp6);
temp2 = sum.largeNorm();
temp6 = dif * w2;
sum = temp3.add(temp7);
dif = temp3.sub(temp7);
temp3 = sum.largeNorm();
temp7 = dif * w3;
transform2(temp0, temp2);
transform2(temp4, temp6);
sum = temp1.add(temp3);
dif = temp1.sub(temp3);
temp1 = sum.largeNorm();
temp3 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(dif);
sum = temp5.add(temp7);
dif = temp5.sub(temp7);
temp5 = sum.largeNorm();
temp7 = mul_w41<ROOT, ModIntType>(dif);
in_out[0] = temp0 + temp1;
in_out[1] = temp0 - temp1;
in_out[2] = temp2 + temp3;
in_out[3] = temp2 - temp3;
in_out[4] = temp4 + temp5;
in_out[5] = temp4 - temp5;
in_out[6] = temp6 + temp7;
in_out[7] = temp6 - temp7;
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 8)
NTTShort<4, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit(in_out, len);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 8)
NTTShort<4, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif(in_out, len);
static void dit8X2(ModIntX8 &A, ModIntX8 &B)
constexpr ModIntType W_8_1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 8);
constexpr ModIntType W_8_2 = qpow(W_8_1, 2);
constexpr ModIntType W_8_3 = qpow(W_8_1, 3);
alignas(32) constexpr ModIntType w_arr[8]{ModIntType(1), W_8_1, W_8_2, W_8_3, ModIntType(1), W_8_1, W_8_2, W_8_3};
NTTShort<4, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit4X4(A, B); // A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7; B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, omega;
temp0 = ModIntX8::packLo128(A, B); // A0,A1,A2,A3,B0,B1,B2,B3
temp1 = ModIntX8::packHi128(A, B); // A4,A5,A6,A7,B4,B5,B6,B7
temp0 = temp0.largeNorm();
temp1 = temp1 * omega; // (A4,A5,A6,A7,B4,B5,B6,B7)*w
temp2 = temp0.add(temp1); // A0,A1,A2,A3,B0,B1,B2,B3
temp3 = temp0.sub(temp1); // A4,A5,A6,A7,B4,B5,B6,B7
A = ModIntX8::packLo128(temp2, temp3); // A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7
B = ModIntX8::packHi128(temp2, temp3); // B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
static void dif8X2(ModIntX8 &A, ModIntX8 &B)
constexpr ModIntType W_8_1 = qpow(ModIntType(ROOT), (ModIntType::mod() - 1) / 8);
constexpr ModIntType W_8_2 = qpow(W_8_1, 2);
constexpr ModIntType W_8_3 = qpow(W_8_1, 3);
alignas(32) constexpr ModIntType w_arr[8]{ModIntType(1), W_8_1, W_8_2, W_8_3, ModIntType(1), W_8_1, W_8_2, W_8_3};
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, omega;
temp0 = ModIntX8::packLo128(A, B); // A0,A1,A2,A3,B0,B1,B2,B3
temp1 = ModIntX8::packHi128(A, B); // A4,A5,A6,A7,B4,B5,B6,B7
temp2 = temp0 + temp1; // A0,A1,A2,A3,B0,B1,B2,B3
temp3 = temp0.sub(temp1); // A4,A5,A6,A7,B4,B5,B6,B7
temp3 = temp3 * omega; //(A4,A5,A6,A7,B4,B5,B6,B7)*w
A = ModIntX8::packLo128(temp2, temp3); // A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7
B = ModIntX8::packHi128(temp2, temp3); // B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7
NTTShort<4, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif4X4(A, B);
static void dit8X2(ModIntType in_out[])
ModIntX8 A, B;
dit8X2(A, B);
static void dif8X2(ModIntType in_out[])
ModIntX8 A, B;
dif8X2(A, B);
template <uint32_t ROOT, typename ModIntType>
struct NTTShort<16, ROOT, ModIntType>
using ModIntX8 = MontInt32X8<ModIntType>;
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[])
static const ModIntX8 omega = NTTShort<32, ROOT, ModIntType>::omegax8(16, 1);
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1;
NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit8X2(temp0, temp1);
temp0 = temp0.largeNorm();
temp1 = temp1 * omega;
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[])
static const ModIntX8 omega = NTTShort<32, ROOT, ModIntType>::omegax8(16, 1);
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, sum, dif;
sum = temp0.add(temp1);
dif = temp0.sub(temp1);
temp0 = sum.largeNorm();
temp1 = dif * omega;
NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif8X2(temp0, temp1);
static void dit(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 16)
NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>::dit(in_out, len);
static void dif(ModIntType in_out[], size_t len)
if (len < 16)
NTTShort<8, ROOT, ModIntType>::dif(in_out, len);
template <uint32_t MOD, uint32_t ROOT>
struct NTT
static constexpr uint32_t mod()
return MOD;
static constexpr uint32_t root()
return ROOT;
static constexpr uint32_t rootInv()
constexpr uint32_t IROOT = mod_inv<int64_t>(ROOT, MOD);
return IROOT;
static_assert(root() < mod(), "ROOT must be smaller than MOD");
static_assert(check_inv<uint64_t>(root(), rootInv(), mod()), "IROOT * ROOT % MOD must be 1");
static constexpr int MOD_BITS = hint_log2(mod()) + 1;
static constexpr int MAX_LOG_LEN = hint_ctz(mod() - 1);
static constexpr size_t getMaxLen()
if (MAX_LOG_LEN < sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT)
return size_t(1) << MAX_LOG_LEN;
return size_t(1) << (sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT - 1);
static constexpr size_t NTT_MAX_LEN = getMaxLen();
using INTT = NTT<mod(), rootInv()>;
using ModIntType = MontInt32Lazy<MOD>;
using ModIntX8 = MontInt32X8<ModIntType>;
static constexpr size_t L1_BYTE = size_t(1) << 17; // 32KB L1 cache size, change this if you know your cache size.
static constexpr size_t LONG_THRESHOLD = std::min(L1_BYTE / sizeof(ModIntType), NTT_MAX_LEN);
using NTTTemplate = NTTShort<LONG_THRESHOLD, root(), ModIntType>;
static ModIntX8 unitx8(size_t ntt_len, int factor, uint32_t root_in = root())
return ModIntX8(qpow(ModIntType(root_in), (mod() - 1) / ntt_len * factor * 8));
static ModIntX8 omegax8(size_t ntt_len, int factor, uint32_t root_in = root())
alignas(32) ModIntType w_arr[8]{};
ModIntType w(1), unit(qpow(ModIntType(root_in), (mod() - 1) / ntt_len * factor));
for (auto &&i : w_arr)
i = w;
w = w * unit;
return ModIntX8(w_arr);
static void dit244(ModIntType in_out[], size_t ntt_len, bool last = false)
ntt_len = std::min(int_floor2(ntt_len), NTT_MAX_LEN);
if (ntt_len <= LONG_THRESHOLD)
NTTTemplate::dit(in_out, ntt_len);
const size_t quarter_len = ntt_len / 4;
dit244(in_out + quarter_len * 3, ntt_len / 4);
dit244(in_out + quarter_len * 2, ntt_len / 4);
dit244(in_out, ntt_len / 2);
const ModIntX8 unit1_x8 = unitx8(ntt_len, 1), unit3_x8 = unitx8(ntt_len, 3);
ModIntX8 omega1 = omegax8(ntt_len, 1), omega3 = omegax8(ntt_len, 3);
auto it0 = in_out, it1 = in_out + quarter_len, it2 = in_out + quarter_len * 2, it3 = in_out + quarter_len * 3;
if (last)
for (size_t i = 0; i < quarter_len; i += 8)
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
temp0.load(&it0[i]), temp1.load(&it1[i]), temp2.load(&it2[i]), temp3.load(&it3[i]);
temp2 = temp2 * omega1, temp3 = temp3 * omega3;
dit_butterfly244<ROOT, ModIntType>(temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3);
temp0 = temp0.largeNorm().norm();
temp1 = temp1.largeNorm().norm();
temp2 = temp2.largeNorm().norm();
temp3 = temp3.largeNorm().norm();
temp0.store(&it0[i]), temp1.store(&it1[i]), (temp2).store(&it2[i]), (temp3).store(&it3[i]);
omega1 = omega1 * unit1_x8;
omega3 = omega3 * unit3_x8;
for (size_t i = 0; i < quarter_len; i += 8)
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
temp0.load(&it0[i]), temp1.load(&it1[i]), temp2.load(&it2[i]), temp3.load(&it3[i]);
temp2 = temp2 * omega1, temp3 = temp3 * omega3;
dit_butterfly244<ROOT, ModIntType>(temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3);
temp0.store(&it0[i]), temp1.store(&it1[i]), (temp2).store(&it2[i]), (temp3).store(&it3[i]);
omega1 = omega1 * unit1_x8;
omega3 = omega3 * unit3_x8;
static void dif244(ModIntType in_out[], size_t ntt_len)
ntt_len = std::min(int_floor2(ntt_len), NTT_MAX_LEN);
if (ntt_len <= LONG_THRESHOLD)
NTTTemplate::dif(in_out, ntt_len);
const size_t quarter_len = ntt_len / 4;
const ModIntX8 unit1_x8 = unitx8(ntt_len, 1), unit3_x8 = unitx8(ntt_len, 3);
ModIntX8 omega1 = omegax8(ntt_len, 1), omega3 = omegax8(ntt_len, 3);
auto it0 = in_out, it1 = in_out + quarter_len, it2 = in_out + quarter_len * 2, it3 = in_out + quarter_len * 3;
for (size_t i = 0; i < quarter_len; i += 8)
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3;
temp0.load(&it0[i]), temp1.load(&it1[i]), temp2.load(&it2[i]), temp3.load(&it3[i]);
dif_butterfly244<ROOT, ModIntType>(temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3);
temp0.store(&it0[i]), temp1.store(&it1[i]), (temp2 * omega1).store(&it2[i]), (temp3 * omega3).store(&it3[i]);
omega1 = omega1 * unit1_x8;
omega3 = omega3 * unit3_x8;
dif244(in_out, ntt_len / 2);
dif244(in_out + quarter_len * 3, ntt_len / 4);
dif244(in_out + quarter_len * 2, ntt_len / 4);
static void convolution(ModIntType in1[], ModIntType in2[], ModIntType out[], size_t ntt_len)
const ModIntType inv_len(qpow(ModIntType(ntt_len), mod() - 2)), inv_len_r = inv_len.mulR();
dif244(in1, ntt_len);
dif244(in2, ntt_len);
if (ntt_len < 16)
for (size_t i = 0; i < ntt_len; i++)
out[i] = in1[i] * in2[i] * inv_len_r;
const ModIntX8 inv8(inv_len_r);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ntt_len; i += 16)
ModIntX8 temp0, temp1;
temp0.load(&in1[i]), temp1.load(&in2[i]);
(temp0 * temp1 * inv8).store(&out[i]);
temp0.load(&in1[i + 8]), temp1.load(&in2[i + 8]);
(temp0 * temp1 * inv8).store(&out[i + 8]);
INTT::dit244(out, ntt_len, true);
template <uint32_t MOD, uint32_t ROOT>
constexpr int NTT<MOD, ROOT>::MOD_BITS;
template <uint32_t MOD, uint32_t ROOT>
constexpr int NTT<MOD, ROOT>::MAX_LOG_LEN;
template <uint32_t MOD, uint32_t ROOT>
constexpr size_t NTT<MOD, ROOT>::NTT_MAX_LEN;
void poly_multiply(unsigned *a, int n, unsigned *b, int m, unsigned *c)
using namespace std;
using namespace hint;
using namespace transform::ntt::split_radix_avx;
size_t conv_len = m + n + 1, ntt_len = int_ceil2(conv_len);
using NTT = transform::ntt::split_radix_avx::NTT<998244353, 3>;
using ModInt = NTT::ModIntType;
using ModIntX8 = NTT::ModIntX8;
// alignas(32) static uint32_t arr_a[1 << 21];
// alignas(32) static uint32_t arr_b[1 << 21];
// auto a_ntt = reinterpret_cast<ModInt *>(arr_a), b_ntt = reinterpret_cast<ModInt *>(arr_b);
auto a_ntt = (NTT::ModIntType *)_mm_malloc(ntt_len * sizeof(NTT::ModIntType), 32);
auto b_ntt = (NTT::ModIntType *)_mm_malloc(ntt_len * sizeof(NTT::ModIntType), 32);
std::memset(a_ntt + n + 1, 0, (ntt_len - n - 1) * sizeof(NTT::ModIntType));
std::memset(b_ntt + m + 1, 0, (ntt_len - m - 1) * sizeof(NTT::ModIntType));
std::memcpy(a_ntt, a, (n + 1) * sizeof(ModInt));
std::memcpy(b_ntt, b, (m + 1) * sizeof(ModInt));
NTT::convolution(a_ntt, b_ntt, a_ntt, ntt_len);
std::memcpy(c, a_ntt, conv_len * sizeof(ModInt));
Compilation | N/A | N/A | Compile OK | Score: N/A | 显示更多 |
Testcase #1 | 33.949 ms | 23 MB + 936 KB | Accepted | Score: 100 | 显示更多 |