提交记录 8937

用户 题目 状态 得分 用时 内存 语言 代码长度
Dustii noip18f. 【NOIP2018】保卫王国 Accepted 100 250.819 ms 28348 KB C++11 3.73 KB
提交时间 评测时间
2019-03-24 17:11:10 2020-08-01 01:27:12
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

const size_t _IO_size = 1 << 21 | 1;
char iBuf[_IO_size], *iS, *iE;
inline char getc() { return iS == iE ? iE = iBuf + fread(iS = iBuf, 1, _IO_size, stdin), iS == iE ? EOF : *iS++ : *iS++; }
template <typename T>
void readi(T &x)
	char c;
	for (c = getc(); !isdigit(c); c = getc())
	x = c ^ '0';
	for (c = getc(); isdigit(c); c = getc())
		(x *= 10) += c ^ '0';

typedef long long ll;
const size_t maxN = 100005;
const ll INF = 1000000000000000LL;

int N, M, Type;
ll P[maxN];
std::vector<int> G[maxN];

int Fa[maxN], Size[maxN], Son[maxN], Top[maxN], End[maxN], Tid[maxN], rTid[maxN], Index;
ll F[maxN][2];

void DFS1(int i)
	Size[i] = 1;
	F[i][0] = 0, F[i][1] = P[i];
	for (auto to : G[i])
		if (to != Fa[i])
			Fa[to] = i;
			Size[i] += Size[to];
			if (Size[to] > Size[Son[i]])
				Son[i] = to;
			F[i][0] += F[to][1];
			F[i][1] += std::min(F[to][0], F[to][1]);

void DFS2(int i)
	rTid[Tid[i] = ++Index] = i;
	End[Top[i]] = i;
	if (Son[i])
		Top[Son[i]] = Top[i], DFS2(Son[i]);
	for (auto to : G[i])
		if (to != Fa[i] && to != Son[i])
			Top[to] = to, DFS2(to);

struct matrix_t
	ll __v[2][2];
	matrix_t() {}
	matrix_t(ll f0, ll f1)
		__v[0][0] = 0x3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3FLL;
		__v[0][1] = f0;
		__v[1][0] = f1;
		__v[1][1] = f1;
	inline ll *operator[](int x)
		return __v[x];
	inline const ll *operator[](int x) const
		return __v[x];
} Seg[1 << 18 | 1];

matrix_t operator*(const matrix_t &a, const matrix_t &b)
	matrix_t res;
	for (int i = 0; i != 2; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j != 2; ++j)
			res[i][j] = std::min(a[i][0] + b[0][j], a[i][1] + b[1][j]);
	return res;

namespace zkw
int L;
void build(int n)
	for (L = 1; L <= n + 1; L <<= 1)
	for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
		int u = rTid[i];
		Seg[i + L] = matrix_t(F[u][0] - F[Son[u]][1], F[u][1] - std::min(F[Son[u]][0], F[Son[u]][1]));
	for (int i = L - 1; i; --i)
		Seg[i] = Seg[i << 1] * Seg[i << 1 | 1];
void modify(int pos, ll d0, ll d1)
	int i = pos + L;
	Seg[i][0][1] += d0;
	Seg[i][1][0] += d1;
	Seg[i][1][1] += d1;
	for (i >>= 1; i; i >>= 1)
		Seg[i] = Seg[i << 1] * Seg[i << 1 | 1];
matrix_t query(int tl, int tr)
	matrix_t l, r;
	bool visl = false, visr = false;
	for (tl = tl - 1 + L, tr = tr + 1 + L; (tl ^ tr) != 1; tl >>= 1, tr >>= 1)
		if (~tl & 1)
			if (!visl)
				visl = true, l = Seg[tl ^ 1];
				l = l * Seg[tl ^ 1];
		if (tr & 1)
			if (!visr)
				visr = true, r = Seg[tr ^ 1];
				r = Seg[tr ^ 1] * r;
	return !visl ? r : !visr ? l : l * r;
} // namespace zkw

inline matrix_t query(int u)
	return zkw::query(Tid[u], Tid[End[Top[u]]]);

void erase(int u)
	if (u == 1)
	auto t = query(u);
	zkw::modify(Tid[Fa[u]], -std::min(t[1][0], t[1][1]), -std::min({t[0][0], t[0][1], t[1][0], t[1][1]}));

void modify(int u, ll v)
	zkw::modify(Tid[u], 0, v);
	P[u] += v;
	u = Top[u];
	while (u != 1)
		auto t = query(u);
		zkw::modify(Tid[Fa[u]], std::min(t[1][0], t[1][1]), std::min({t[0][0], t[0][1], t[1][0], t[1][1]}));
		u = Top[Fa[u]];

int main()
	readi(N), readi(M), readi(Type);
	for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i)
	for (int u, v, i = 1; i != N; ++i)
		readi(u), readi(v);
		G[u].push_back(v), G[v].push_back(u);

	Top[1] = 1, DFS2(1);


	for (int a, x, b, y; M--;)
		readi(a), readi(x), readi(b), readi(y);
		modify(a, x == 0 ? INF : -INF);
		modify(b, y == 0 ? INF : -INF);
		auto t = query(1);
		ll ans = std::min({t[0][0], t[0][1], t[1][0], t[1][1]}) + INF * (x + y);
		if (ans >= INF)
			printf("%lld\n", ans);
		modify(a, x == 0 ? -INF : INF);
		modify(b, y == 0 ? -INF : INF);

	return 0;

CompilationN/AN/ACompile OKScore: N/A

Testcase #1468 us2 MB + 368 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #2470.76 us2 MB + 368 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #3472.91 us2 MB + 368 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #4470 us2 MB + 368 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #5536.65 us2 MB + 392 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #6555.55 us2 MB + 392 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #7619.9 us2 MB + 384 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #81.984 ms2 MB + 880 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #91.989 ms2 MB + 880 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #103.161 ms2 MB + 800 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #113.13 ms2 MB + 800 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #12120.212 ms27 MB + 700 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #13120.261 ms27 MB + 700 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #14115.306 ms27 MB + 504 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #15115.095 ms27 MB + 508 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #16115.616 ms27 MB + 508 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #17125.465 ms27 MB + 700 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #18250.557 ms20 MB + 548 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #19250.819 ms20 MB + 548 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #20166.698 ms23 MB + 892 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #21168.125 ms23 MB + 892 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #22176.185 ms23 MB + 696 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #23214.016 ms23 MB + 888 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #24215.989 ms23 MB + 892 KBAcceptedScore: 4

Testcase #25212.635 ms23 MB + 904 KBAcceptedScore: 4

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